Challenging stereotypes against disabled people through empowerment in Armenia

21 December 2021 Armenia

Over the period of December 2021- April 2022, the NGO Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities (EREO) from Armenia will run a project with the aim of combating discrimination against people with disabilities by promoting the rights and ensuring their inclusion in the Lori region of Armenia. This project...

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The importance of the combat against corruption stressed in awareness raising meetings for representatives of the state institutions and local municipalities in Georgia

17-18 December 2021 Georgia

In cooperation with the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG), two awareness raising events on “Fighting against Corruption” were organised for the representatives of state institutions and local municipalities. The discussions were led by the staff of the SSSG Anti-corruption Agency,...

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Fighting Discrimination and Providing Justice for Ethnic Minorities in the Republic of Moldova

16 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

The NGO Roma National Center from the Republic of Moldova is implementing until April 2022 a project intending to change the negative attitude towards Roma and other ethnic minority groups in the country, as well as to raise awareness of society about the discriminatory practices that lead to...

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Equal opportunities without sexism in the Republic of Moldova: combating sexist speech, gender-based discrimination and violence against women

17 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

The NGO Gender-Centru from the Republic of Moldova, as host organization of Platform for Gender Equality, is implementing until April 2022 a project aiming at increasing equal opportunities without sexism in Moldova and raising awareness in the society at large to take a stand to combat sexist...

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