Steps forward in combating inequality and hatred using human rights approach

6 July 2022 Regional

The second of four modules on “Addressing hate speech through improving data collection”, enabled continuation of co-operation among equality bodies/Ombudsperson institutions from the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership regions on the topic of data collection in combating hate speech and...

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Roundtable presentation of a gap analysis of policy and legislation on violence against women in Azerbaijan

04 July 2022 AZERBAIJAN

On 4 July 2022, the project “Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan” presented a gap analysis of Azerbaijani legislative and policy frameworks in line with Council of Europe and other international standards in the field of violence against...

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Model rules of conduct for all Armenian public servants adopted - implementation by institutions to follow

4 July 2022 Armenia

The Council of Europe and the Corruption Prevention Commission of the Republic of Armenia jointly organised a “High-level Conference on the Model Code of Conduct for Public Servants in Armenia” on 4th July in Yerevann, Armenia. The conference concludes and complements the process of development...

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Guides on the new Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Armenia ready for the national legal professionals as the new legislation enters into force

1 July 2022 Armenia

The Council of Europe has been working closely with the Armenian authorities on the criminal justice reform through legislative, methodological, and capacity-building support since 2015. Based on the legal expertise of the Council of Europe, conceptually new Criminal Code and Code of Criminal...

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Training for Ukrainian judges on seizure and confiscation ready to be rolled-out throughout the country

29 June 2022 Ukraine

In co-operation with the National School of Judges of Ukraine (NSJU), a training on seizure and confiscation for Ukrainian criminal judges, both from district and appellate courts, took place online on June 29 with over 85 participants. This training built on previous activities delivered jointly...

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Показывается результатов: 176 - 180 из 553.


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