The Council of Europe supports the strengthening of capacities of representatives of Belarusian democratic forces and civil society on promoting equality and non-discrimination

4-5 December 2023 Strasbourg, France

A round-table on equality and non-discrimination, gathering representatives of Belarusian democratic forces and civil society, Council of Europe and European Union Delegation to the Council of Europe was held in Strasbourg on 4-5 December 2023. The aim of the activity was to discuss and review...

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Armenian equality body ready to respond to discrimination and hatred

4 December 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

A training programme on combating discrimination adapted to the staff needs of the Human Rights Defender's Office in Armenia, bolstered their capacities to respond to cases of discrimination and hatred in line with European standards, notably those developed by the European Commission against...

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Training legal professionals to combat discrimination on religious, ethnic and linguistic grounds in the Republic of Moldova

30 November - 1 December 2023 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Legal professionals, including judges, prosecutors, registrars, assistants and counsellors from judicial institutions of the Republic of Moldova, were trained on the latest European and Council of Europe standards and European Court of Human Rights case law on cases of discrimination on...

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Empowering diversity through the inaugural session of the Public Council on National Minorities’ Rights in Armenia

30 November 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

The inaugural session of the Public Council on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Persons belonging to National Minorities (the Public Council), adjunct to the Human Rights Defender Office in Armenia, was held on 30 November 2023 in Yerevan. The event is perceived as a milestone,...

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Azerbaijani authorities examine techniques to prevent and combat money laundering schemes associated with new payment methods

29-30 November 2023 Baku, Azerbaijan

The landscape of the traditional financial system continues to change with the rise of crypto assets. This drives the crucial need for further enhancement of the investigation and prosecution against the increasingly sophisticated money laundering schemes employed by criminals to obfuscate the...

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Показывается результатов: 61 - 65 из 555.


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