Promoting European values with the Young European Ambassadors and Equality Ambassadors in Georgia

21 May 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

Representatives from the Council of Europe Office in Georgia and the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia co-hosted a meeting with Georgian Young European Ambassadors (YEAs). These YEAs had recently completed a series of online and in-person regional training sessions on promoting equality...

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Supporting the reduction of backlog in Georgian courts through workshops on dedicated CEPEJ tool

16-17 May 2024 Batumi, Georgia

The court coaching programme of European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) continued from 16 to 17 May 2024, representatives from the Batumi City court attended a two-day workshop on the CEPEJ Backlog reduction tool. The workshop aimed to introduce the court representatives to the...

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A round-table on the right to file a constitutional individual complaint with the Latvian and Ukrainian Constitutional Courts

9-10 May 2024 Krakow, Poland

A two-day round-table discussion to exchange on experiences and best practices on the right to file a constitutional individual complain was held on 9 and10 May, with the participation of the Constitutional Courts of Ukraine and the Republic of Latvia. The aim is to contribute to the development...

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High-level conference on strengthening the effectiveness of international co-operation in fighting transnational organised crime

26-27 April 2024 Yerevan, Armenia

The two-day international conference “Strengthening the effectiveness of international co-operation in fighting transnational organised crime”, served as a platform and an opportunity to share challenges prosecutors face in specific, complex cases, including those addressing the confiscation of...

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