Назад Training of Trainers (ToT) organised with the Justice Academy in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia

Training of Trainers (ToT) organised with the Justice Academy in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia

A two-day training of trainers (ToT) on “Peculiarities of the victim's status in the criminal proceedings” and on “Practical skills for applying alternative preventive measures to detention” was organised in co-operation with the Justice Academy on 6-7 March in Tsaghkadzor.

The goal of the first training module was to convey full knowledge and perceptions to trainers regarding international and national standards of human rights that should be maintained during any trial conducted with the participation of vulnerable injured persons. The second module provides them with profound knowledge of international and national standards regarding the use of preventive measures alternative to detention. It encourageded to apply such alternative measures effectively, thus reducing the widespread use of pre-trial detention.

During the ToT the trainers were equipped with tools and techniques essential for the delivery of high-quality trainings in human rights topics. They became familiar with the training cycle management process and improved their presentation skills. The training provided a perfect opportunity to acquire new methodology skills and exchange experience with international consultants.

30 participants attended these sessions, which are part of a series of trainings aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Justice Academy to deliver human rights courses. The event was organised within the framework of the Project “Supporting the criminal justice reform and harmonizing the application of the European standards in Armenia”, funded within the European Union and Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance.

Tsaghkadzor, Armenia 6-7 March 2020
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