Назад Launch of the report “Systemic mapping of national responses to hate speech in Georgia”

Launch of the report “Systemic mapping of national responses to hate speech in Georgia”

What is the impact of hate speech on the society, what challenges it poses and how can they be effectively addressed? What means of redress, tools and actions are available to victims? What is the role played by different state and private actors in addressing hate speech?

These are among the key questions addressed by the report on the systemic mapping of national responses to hate speech in Georgia launched today. The report prepared also seeks to identify and prioritise elements for future action to combat hate speech in Georgia and offers targeted recommendations to the authorities, civil society, media and other actors on building an effective strategy to do so. Various stakeholders, including representatives of civil society, media, ministries, judiciary, public defender office and parliament have contributed to the preparation of the report.

The launch event was held online, Monday 22 November 2021, with the participation of various Georgian stakeholders.

This report was prepared in the framework of the regional project “Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the Eastern Partnership,” funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II 2019-2022.

 The systematic mapping report of national responses to hate speech in Georgia [English] [Georgian]

Georgia 23 November 2021
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