Назад Launch of the first training of trainers on combating discrimination in Azerbaijan

Launch of the first training of trainers on combating discrimination in Azerbaijan

The first training of trainers on combating discrimination in Azerbaijan has been launched with the co-operation of the Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) programme of the Council of Europe in the framework of the European Union - Council of Europe joint project "Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crime in the Eastern Partnership countries".

This training course consists of three phases: the HELP course “Anti-Discrimination”, the HELP course “Fight against Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia and Transphobia”, both adapted for the Azerbaijani context, and an in-person seminar on developing participants’ trainer skills scheduled for January 2022.

The list of participants includes the staff of the Ombudsperson Office of Azerbaijan, representatives of civil society organisations and free-lance legal professionals.

The course is aimed to:

  • Develop participants’ knowledge of the concepts and manifestations of discrimination, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia and approaches to fight against them
  • Develop participants’ understanding of redress to discrimination, existing standards at European level and mechanisms present at national level
  • Improve participants’ skills to offer support to victims of discrimination
  • Develop participants’ skills to act as trainers for others on combating discrimination in Azerbaijan.

This activity is organised in the framework of the regional project “Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crime in the Eastern Partnership”, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II.

Azerbaijan 17 November 2021
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