Назад Discussing ways to improve the enforcement of court decisions in civil and administrative matters in the Republic of Moldova

Discussing ways to improve the enforcement of court decisions in civil and administrative matters in the Republic of Moldova

On 13 August 2020 the Secretariat of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) moderated an on-line workshop in order to discuss the ways to further improve the enforcement of court decisions in civil and administrative matters in the Republic of Moldova and to define priorities and specific activities by which the CEPEJ may support the national stakeholders. The activity took place through videoconferencing with participation of representatives of the Ministry of Justice, National Union of Enforcement Agents, development partners, as well as CEPEJ international experts and local consultants.

During the event was presented the report which resulted from the CEPEJ experts’ fact-finding and information exchange mission that took place on 2-3 March 2020. The report describes the results of the analysis of the general issues related to efficiency and quality of the enforcement procedures and points out specific deficiencies, as well as contains important recommendations to pursue the improvement of the Moldovan enforcement system. The main recommendations referred to the need to implement a system of monitoring and promoting efficiency and quality in the work of individual enforcement agents and of the enforcement system as a whole, including the use of key performance indicators. Similarly, the broader recourse to IT tools, such as the implementation of registers of enforcement procedures and of case management systems, as well as a platform for on-line auctioning of goods would significantly improve the quality and expeditiousness of enforcement services.

The participants discussed the recommendations and agreed on the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the project’s goals, especially in the context of improving the communication between the main national stakeholders in order to reach a consensus on the most appropriate IT solutions for the enforcement system.

The activity was part of the cooperation project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented in the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance II, co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe.

 Project information

Online 13 August 2020
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