Назад CEPEJ contributes to improve the communication policy of courts in the Republic of Moldova

CEPEJ contributes to improve the communication policy of courts in the Republic of Moldova

Further to an assessment of the Communication Strategy of the Superior Council of Magistracy and of the Guide for the judiciary on relations with mass-media by international and national experts, a Working Group was created and met on 9 February 2022 to improve the regulations on communication with media and the public between courts and other judicial authorities. It is composed of representatives of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Agency for Court Administration, National Institute of Justice, national courts, and European Commission for the Efficiency of of Justice (CEPEJ) national experts.

This activity is organised in the framework of the project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova,” funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II 2019-2022.

Republic of Moldova 9 February 2022
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