Istanbul Convention: Article 52 on emergency barring orders in situations of domestic violence

In 2021, the project “Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan” delivered a series of webinars dedicated to specific articles of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, known...

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Azerbaijani law enforcement and judiciary enhance their knowledge on latest confiscation mechanisms

20-21 December 2022 Baku

A workshop on the latest mechanisms for confiscation of proceeds from crime was organised for 39 prosecutors, investigators, judges, financial intelligence and other law enforcement practitioners in Azerbaijan. The workshop aimed to reinforce their knowledge and skills on the types and techniques...

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Azerbaijan: Brochure on myths and facts on the Istanbul Convention

19 December 2022 Baku

The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, known as the Istanbul Convention, aims to ensure all women can live a life free from violence. Nevertheless, many misconceptions still exist about its aim and objectives. This new brochure...

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133rd plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism adopted

17 December 2022 Venice

At its 133rd plenary session (held on 16-17 December 2022), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: the amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Armenia on certain questions related to the Law on Confiscation of Property of Illicit Origin; held an exchange...

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Study visit of Azerbaijani Ministry of Justice to Portugal

16 December 2022 Portugal

On 14-16 December 2022 the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised in cooperation with the Portuguese Order of solicitors and enforcement agents a three-days study visit for members of the Directorate General of Enforcement of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan. The...

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Taking a Case to the European Court of Human Rights: Armenian version of the book will help the legal practitioners to make their voices heard in a well-substantiated manner

14 December 2022 Yerevan

Successful litigation at the European Court of Human Rights is not an easy task and requires from legal professionals some fundamental knowledge about the peculiarities of the application to the Court. Publication of the Armenian version of the book Taking a Case to the European Court of Human...

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The representatives of the Equality Council of the Republic of Moldova exchanged experience with institutions from Romania on anti-discrimination practices

14 December 2022 Romania

The study visit for the representatives of the Council for preventing and eliminating discrimination and ensuring equality of the Republic of Moldova (Equality Council) to institutions in the anti-discrimination field in Romania took place on 13-14 December 2022. Meetings with National Council...

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Raising awareness on the rights of persons with disabilities in Armenia

14 December 2022 Yerevan

On 14 December 2022 the regional EU/Council of Europe anti-discrimination project, part of the Partnership for Good Governance II 2019-2022, joined the Human Rights Defenders office of Republic of Armenia (HRDO), in a discussion focused on Combating discrimination based on disability and health...

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Report on the framework to measure access to justice including specific challenges facing women: New languages available

12 December 2022 Strasbourg

New languages are available for the report of the online roundtable on “Framework to measure access to justice including specific challenges facing women”. The translations has been produced by joint EU-Council of Europe joint programme, Partnership for Good Governance II regional project on...

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Presentation of HELP platform on the occasion of National Day of Lawyers in Armenia

8 December 2022 Online

On 8 December 2022, to mark the National Lawyers’ Day celebrated on 6 December in Armenia, the regional project on "Strengthening the Profession of Lawyer in Line with European Standards", in cooperation with Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) programme and the Chamber of...

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