The European Union and the Council of Europe support the Ukrainian authorities in the implementation of the priority reforms towards the alignment with European standards and practice

6 June 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The European Union and the Council of Europe, together with representatives of national authorities, partner institutions and civil society organisations gathered for the Local Steering Committee meeting of the Partnership for Good Governance Programme. It was an opportunity to take stock of the...

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Armenian officials and law enforcement successfully completed advanced course on combating hate Speech

31 May 2024

From 5 April to 30 May 2024, twelve representatives from Armenia's Ministry of Justice, the Human Rights Defender’s Office, and law enforcement agencies successfully completed an online course on combating hate speech. This course, focused on the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance...

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Ensuring legal redress to hate speech and hate crime in line with European standards

29-30 May 2024 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

80 legal professionals from the Republic of Moldova participated in a two-day seminar, organisaed in co-operation with the National Institute of Justice. The seminar aimed at promoting the experience of the involved actors on addressing hate speech and discrimination and discuss possible...

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Improving dialogue between Police and the LGBTI community in the Republic of Moldova

28 May 2024 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

A platform for dialogue was created between Police and civil society organisations that promote the rights of LGBTI community in the Republic of Moldova. The meeting brought together 21 officers of the General Police Inspectorate and 19 representatives of civil society organisations, and...

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Promoting European values with the Young European Ambassadors and Equality Ambassadors in Georgia

21 May 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

Representatives from the Council of Europe Office in Georgia and the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia co-hosted a meeting with Georgian Young European Ambassadors (YEAs). These YEAs had recently completed a series of online and in-person regional training sessions on promoting equality...

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