Назад President of Moldovan Equality Council speaks about cooperation in the field of anti-discrimination on the occasion of EU Days

President of Moldovan Equality Council speaks about cooperation in the field of anti-discrimination on the occasion of EU Days

”Our Equality Council yearly examines around 300 complaints and almost every complaint is a story of someone fighting for their rights.” Ian Feldman, President of the Moldovan Equality Council

On May 22, in the context of the celebration of the EU days, President of the Moldovan Equality Council, Ian Feldman, spoke about the realities of the anti-discrimination sector, the cooperation with the European Union and the Council of Europe, as well as the progressive road of the Equality Council- from its first meetings carried out with its members in cafes to becoming a fully operational institution capable of tackling systemic issues and reinstating people their rights.

”With the help of the Council of Europe and the European Union we have carried out studies, national surveys, developed a first national communication strategy in the field of discrimination. The Council of Europe and the European Union supported our strategic development. We remember who was standing by our side when this institution was born” Mr Feldman stated.


Chisinau, Republic of Moldova May 22 2020
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