Country Republic of Moldova

Towards an improved cooperation between the Equality Council and the Judiciary in the Republic of Moldova

22 February 2023 Chisinau

Representatives of the Equality Council and judges designated from the Superior Court of Justice, Chisinau Court and territorial judicial instances took part in an online roundtable “Fundamental rights in the context of war – freedom of expression and its limitations”. The exchange between the...

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Police officers from the Republic of Moldova trained to further improve data collection on hate crimes

14, 15 and 21 February 2023 Chisinau

Three online sessions were organized for police staff of the Republic of Moldova, with a focus on the developments and adjustments of the database on hate crimes, and related issues to be addressed when working on the disaggregated data collection. Sessions followed-up on the project support to...

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Judges, prosecutors, and judicial staff build up knowledge on prohibition of discrimination

17 February 2023 Chisianu

41 judges, prosecutors and judicial staff enhanced their knowledge on international standards on prohibition of discrimination, as well as on the national practice in terms of non-discrimination, during two training sessions held on 16 and 17 February 2023. The participants discussed about the...

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Показывается результатов: 43 - 45 из 172.


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