Country Republic of Moldova

Training legal professionals to combat discrimination on religious, ethnic and linguistic grounds in the Republic of Moldova

30 November - 1 December 2023 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Legal professionals, including judges, prosecutors, registrars, assistants and counsellors from judicial institutions of the Republic of Moldova, were trained on the latest European and Council of Europe standards and European Court of Human Rights case law on cases of discrimination on...

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European standards on hate speech and hate crimes at the centre of training for legal professionals in the Republic of Moldova

23-24 November 2023 Chisinau, The Republic of Moldova

Legal professionals from judicial institutions in the Republic of Moldova enhanced their knowledge and understanding of European standards on hate speech and hate crimes through a tailor-made training session. The scope of the activity is relevant to the work of these professionals, ensuring...

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New platform for dialogue on preventing and combating discrimination in the Republic of Moldova

13 NOVEMBER 2023 CHISINAU, Republic of Moldova

A platform for dialogue and cooperation on preventing and combating discrimination was created among Police and the Equality Council in the Republic of Moldova at the occasion of the workshop “Practical aspects of investigating cases of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the Republic...

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Creation of a law enforcement institutions and Civil Society Organisations network to tackle racism and discrimination

24-26 October 2023 Strasbourg, France

A network comprised of law enforcement institutions and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions was launched on 24 October. The creation of this network aims to improve the response of law enforcement institutions to hatred and discrimination,...

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Coming Out Day Fest 2023: Changing negative attitudes toward LGBTI persons in the Republic of Moldova

6-11 October 2023 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Coming Out Day Fest, is a thematic event aiming to raise awareness of the human rights situation for LGBTI persons in the Republic of Moldova and combat homophobia, transphobia and biphobia through artistic and cultural events. The fifth edition of the festival was held on 6-11 October. An...

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136th Plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism

11 October 2023 Venice, Italy

At its 136th plenary session (held on 6-7 October 2023), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: Armenia: the joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR on the draft amendments to the Electoral Code and related legislation Republic of Moldova: the...

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Police officers trained on investigation of hate crimes in line with European standards

6 October 2023 Comrat, Republic of Moldova

Hate speech, incitement to violence and discrimination can escalate into further, more severe forms of violence. That is why a prompt and professional intervention of investigative agents and competent legal institutions is vital for preventing and combating the phenomenon of hatred and its...

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The guide “Combating hate speech in the media in the Republic of Moldova” available now in English, Romanian and Russian

5 October 2023 Republic of Moldova

An increasing number of cases of hate speech and discrimination in the public space and the media in the Republic of Moldova has been registered according to the monitoring reports of the non-governmental organisation PROMO-LEX Association. The guide “Combating hate speech in the media in the...

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Joint efforts in combating hate speech, sexism and other forms of gender-based violence in elections in the Republic of Moldova

29 September 2023 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Over 60 people, representing electoral management bodies, local authorities, non-governmental organisations, anti-discrimination stakeholders, mass-media and potential voters gathered at a round-table aimed at building a common platform for discussions on the importance of preventing and...

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Listening local needs, ahead of supporting vulnerable groups against hatred at local level in the Republic of Moldova

21 September 2023 Calarasi, Republic of Moldova

Hate speech and hate crime are phenomena faced by many individuals and communities, especially the most vulnerable in the society. Hate and incitement to it is spreading throughout Europe, the Republic of Moldova being no exception. Those more vulnerable in the society, such as Roma community...

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Improving redress against discrimination, notably through joint awareness initiatives, addressed by the key stakeholders in the Republic of Moldova

20 September 2023 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Main stakeholders and partners of the Council of Europe in the field of anti-discrimination, exchanged views on further actions to prevent and combat discrimination and promote equality at central and local level in the Republic of Moldova. The first part of the meeting gathered the...

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Young European Ambassadors in the forefront of the fight against hate speech

31 August 2023 Online

The new generation of the Young European Ambassadors continues to play a fundamental role in the fight against hate speech in the Western Balkan and the Eastern Partnership regions. In a series of online workshops, more than 50 Young Eurоpean Ambassadors completed the training programme on...

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Marking the 2023 Council of Europe week in the Republic of Moldova

Gallop with us against discrimination and hatred!

14 July 2023 Chisinau

As a part of series activities marking the 28th anniversary of the country's accession to the Council of Europe and cooperation in the field of democracy, human rights and rule of law, the joint European Union and Council of Europe project “Combating discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in...

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The impact of hatred on the victims’ life was addressed at the Living Library on the thematic of discrimination

12 July 2023 Chisinau

A thematic event on raising awareness and combating discrimination was carried out in the context of Council of Europe week in the Republic of Moldova on 12 July 2023 in the format of Living Library - the storytelling sessions that reflected cases and situations of discrimination and hatred...

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JUSTAT AIS a tool that will help Moldovan authorities to improve efficiency and transparency of courts

26 May 2023 Chisinau

The launching of the JUSTAT Automated Information System (AIS) took place on 26 May 2023 in a public event to present this new tool, with the participation of the representatives of the national authorities, partners in charge of developing the tool, and the CEPEJ experts, Rado Brezovar...

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10 years of promoting and protecting equality in the Republic of Moldova

24 May 2023 Chisinau

The international conference “Equality bodies: new standards, new challenges” marked the 10th anniversary and presented the main achievements of the Equality Council throughout a decade of its activity in the Republic of Moldova. The event brought to discussion the recent developments and...

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New joint projects for the Republic of Moldova presented by the European Union and the Council of Europe under the third phase of the Partnership for Good Governance (2023-2027)

26 April 2023 Chisinau

New projects aimed at modernising the justice administration, facilitating access of women to justice, fighting economic crime, promoting equality and non-discrimination, as well as enhancing the effectiveness of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing were presented on Wednesday 26 April,...

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Taking stock of cooperation with the Police in the Republic of Moldova in the field of anti-discrimination

3 April 2023 Chisinau

Throughout the last four years, the General Police Inspectorate of the Republic of Moldova has been close partner of the joint European Union and the Council of Europe (CoE) project “Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate crime...

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Life story of a discrimination victim in Moldova: Insights from a documentary

31 March 2023 Chisinau

Discrimination is a pervasive problem that can have far-reaching consequences for various segments of society. The video documentary entitled Life story of the victim of discrimination in the Republic of Moldova (available in Romanian with English subtitles) sheds light on the issue of...

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New project to fight money laundering and enhance the asset recovery regime launched in the Republic of Moldova

29 March 2023 Chisinau

The Council of Europe and the European Union launched, in co-operation with national partners, the project "Enhancing the anti-money laundering and asset recovery regime in the Republic of Moldova", part of the third phase of the Partnership for Good Governance. The project’s kick-off and first...

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