The Joint EU/CoE programme “Equality and Freedom from Discrimination for Roma” (EQUIROM) has been granted until December 2024 and is running in four countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Italy.

 Factsheet about EQUIROM


The purpose of the EQUIROM project is to prevent and combat antigypsyism and discrimination and promote equality for Roma people, in accordance with the EU Roma Strategic Framework and Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Travellers Inclusion by:

1. Combatting stereotypes in the media, raising awareness about the history and culture of Roma and other ethnic minorities including Roma Holocaust and contributing to building positive narratives about Roma by journalists and other media representatives;

2. Fostering closer co-operation and mutual understanding between Roma and pro-Roma civil societies, Roma communities and individuals, journalists and other media representatives;

3. Empowering Roma people, in particular Roma women and young people, to become front-runners in the fight against antigypsyism and gender stereotypes.


The activities organised under EQUIROM are concentrated around these three clusters:

1. Capacity building activities targeting journalists and future journalists and Regulatory Authorities representatives. It is expected that the activities will contribute to adequate reporting and broadcasting on Roma and other ethnic minorities related topics and will result in more positive narratives promoted by the media as a response to the antigypsyism phenomenon. 

2. Awareness raising activities will include a broad communication campaign to fight antigypsyism and anti-Roma discrimination, build positive narratives about Roma and raise awareness about Roma history and culture, as well as the Roma Holocaust, including on the matters of gender equality and diversity dimension, with the empowerment component as a first step. The studies on the representation and portrayal of Roma in broadcasting and in media will contribute to raising awareness of the general population and of relevant stakeholders on how widespread the antigypsyism hate speech is. 

3. Policy oriented activities will include discussions during EQUIROM events on the adoption of guidelines, ethnical codes of conduct with specific provisions on combating antigypsyism, by journalists’ association and by regulatory authorities. The EQUIROM events bringing together regulatory authorities and CSOs will discuss possibilities to adapt complaint procedures as to make them more accessible and also possibilities to raise awareness on the regulatory authorities’ roles

EQUIROM is part of the community Roma EU-CoE Joint Actions.

This is an online platform for both the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020‑2025) and the Joint EU-CoE Programmes currently implemented by the Council of Europe, namely: ROMACT, ROMACTED, INSCHOOL  and EQUIROM.

It aims to spread, share and exchange information from Council of Europe member states and other stakeholders on recent developments in regard to Roma inclusion measures and actions.


Map Equirom implementation: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania

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