Profile and activities
- Draft Socio-economic profile
- Draft DELI calendar in the city
- Draft Local partnership platform
- Draft DELI local outreach and communication strategy. The communication and outreach campaign launched in February 2015 includes medium cards and small posters, and three videos to watch here
DELI in the local media
- Article in "Reggio caso unico", 16 October 2014 in Italian
- Article in Gazetta di Reggio “Stranieri, quattrocento nuove attività in due anni”, 22 April 2014 in Italian
- Article "R.Emilia: fondi imprese migranti". Fondazione IntegrA/Azione Onlus. 18 April 2014 in Italian
- Press release announcing DELI project from Reggio Emilia, 16 April 2014 in Italian