Назад Ukrainian Security Service better equipped to fight terrorist financing

Ukrainian Security Service better equipped to fight terrorist financing

A complex online training course on terrorist financing detection, disruption and investigation was delivered to practitioners of the Security Service of Ukraine, including operatives and investigators, as well as representatives of training institutions. Moreover, with a view to ensuring comprehensive and sustainable effects for the dissemination of new knowledge and skills, delegates from the National School of Judges and the State Financial Monitoring Service were also engaged.

As part of this training, four modules extensively covered different areas with the following objectives:

  1. Enhancing the understanding and improving the adherence of national stakeholders to international standards.
  2. Strengthening capacities of national law enforcement authorities to detect, investigate and disrupt terrorist networks while respecting human rights standards.
  3. Building up common understanding across the criminal justice chain on investigation, prosecution and adjudication of terrorist financing cases.
  4. Expanding the understanding of terrorist financing risks pertinent to Ukraine. At the same time, the online format enabled a combination of different methods and instruments facilitating an experiential e-learning methodology.

It is also expected that this activity will be followed by similar training for judges. This follow-up will ensure that different participants of the criminal justice system have the same understanding of terrorist financing.

This training course was developed and delivered in the framework of the project “Strengthening measures to counter money laundering and financing of terrorism in Ukraine”, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II Programme.

Ukraine 30 April 2021
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