Назад Three awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech go online in Armenia

Three awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech go online in Armenia

In co-operation with the Human Rights Defender of Armenia, three awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech have been prepared. The videos will be disseminated via social media and television channels in the country.

Democratic societies are built on the respect of human rights and human dignity, making this the core message of these three videos.

These awareness-raising videos have been prepared in the framework of the project “Strengthening the access to justice through non-judiciary redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech,” funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance II.

 Watch the awareness-raising videos: Hate breeds hatred - Discrimination - The role of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia

Armenia 6 January 2022
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