The Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR) consists of 35 researchers and experts from across Europe who have a diversity of expertise in different policy, practice and research areas connected to youth.

Since its establishment in 2010, the Pool of European Youth Researchers has been supporting the work of the Youth Partnership. Researchers contribute to development of better knowledge about the lives, needs, aspirations and experiences of young people in Europe, by drafting research, surveys and analytical papers, policy briefs, studies and other publications of the Youth Partnership.

PEYR researchers provide research, advice, expertise and analysis to the European Commission and the Council of Europe, but also other policy-makers, researchers and youth work practitioners, thus contributing to development of informed, evidence-based youth policies and initiatives. They also support a variety of policy-processes at European or national level, such as the EU Youth Dialogue and Council of Europe Advisory Missions to member states.

PEYR members are also involved in conceptual development and delivery of symposia, seminars, thematic workshops and knowledge translation and dissemination of research findings at relevant events, both offline and online. PEYR researchers are supported by the members of the PEYR Advisory Group.

EKCYP-PEYR annual meeting 2024

Current members of PEYR were selected through an open call in 2024. PEYR researchers meet in person once a year to discuss broader issues connected to youth research and provide input to policy initiatives of the two partner institutions. On this occasion, they also exchange with the correspondents of the European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy (EKCYP). You can find the reports from PEYR annual meetings here.