Strengthening Higher Education in BiH (2009-2011)
The project "Strengthening Higher Education in BiH III" (SHE III) focused on the implementation of four of the Seven Key Strategies and Guidelines.
- SHE III assisted the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance (HEA) and BiH universities with drafting the corresponding procedures and criteria and to prepare for the actual external evaluation in line with European standards and practice.
- In a second component SHE III assisted BiH universities and the BiH Rectors Conference with the implementation of the 'Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in BiH' and developed the "Curriculum Development Good Practice Guide" and a set of templates for curricular design and program validation that universities can put to use right away.
This assistance was accompanied by
- a set of recommendations related to the legislative framework for higher education and
- a proposal for a single expert body for taking forward the strategic implementation of Bologna reforms in BiH.
If applied systematically, the recommendations, guidelines, tools and strategies elaborated by this and the previous joint projects should help enact higher education reforms in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. It will contribute to developing a constructive and mid-term approach towards integrating the new Bologna degrees and the existing BiH parameters for education, employment and social security.
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Key documents
- Recommendations and advice for setting up a Bologna Committee for Bosnia Herzegovina
- Preporuke i savjeti za uspostavljanje Bolonjskog komiteta za Bosnu i Hercegovinu
- Curriculum Development Good Practice Guide
- Vodič dobre prakse za izradu nastavnih planova i programa
- Guidance on the use and acquisition of academic and scientific titles in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)
- Vodič o sticanju i korištenju akademskih i naučnih zvanja u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH)
- An overview of recommendations issued by the joint EC/CoE project “Strengthening Higher Education Bosnia Herzegovina” 2009-2011 related to the legislative framework for Quality Assurance and the Qualifications Framework in Higher Education
- Report on a fact finding visit to Sarajevo 7-10 June 2010 to review and assess the need for expertise in higher education reform in BiH
- Izvješ taj o pos je ti Saraje vu 7 – 10. 6. 2010. u svrhu pronalaže nja činje nica za pregled i procjenu potrebe za ekspertizom u reformi visokog obrazovanja u BiH
- Report on a fact finding visit to Sarajevo 19-22 July 2010 regarding Legislation and Quality Assurance and Qualifications Frameworks and an analysis of the laws.
- Izvještaj o posjeti Sarajevu od 19. do 22. 7. 2010. radi prikupljanja činjenica o zakonodavstvu i osiguranju kvaliteta i okvirima kvalifikacija i radi analize zakona.
Strategic Development of Higher Education and qualifications standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Programme Manager: Mr Nedim Vrabac
- Programme Assistant: Ms Sadžida Tulić
- Programme Assistant: Ms Aida Trožić