Country Republic of Moldova

Speak peace, be the change!

In English   With Romanian subtitles     "Speak peace! Hate speech is not an option" explores the concepts of hate speech, its manifestations, its risks for human rights and democracies. This booklet was developed for any person, civil society organisations and others who feel the need to...

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Web article on problems encountered by foreigners

23 February 2022 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech, incitement to discrimination or other forms of intolerance against immigrants living in the Republic of Moldova, has been published online. This is the sixth from a series of web articles developed by the journalistic platform "Oameni și...

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CEPEJ contributes to improve the communication policy of courts in the Republic of Moldova

9 February 2022 Republic of Moldova

Further to an assessment of the Communication Strategy of the Superior Council of Magistracy and of the Guide for the judiciary on relations with mass-media by international and national experts, a Working Group was created and met on 9 February 2022 to improve the regulations on communication...

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Competition on courts’ performance in the Republic of Moldova launched with the support of CEPEJ

3 February 2022 Republic of Moldova

A competition aiming at discovering and highlighting innovative and efficient practices concerning the functioning of justice, judicial procedures or the organisation of courts is to be conducted for the first time in Moldova in 2022. It is expected to encourage the proactive management,...

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Web article on problems encountered by people with disabilities

21 January 2022 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech and discrimination against persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova, is now available online. This is the fifth from a series of six web articles developed by the journalistic platform "Oameni și Kilometri", in the framework of the...

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Representatives of the Equality Council enhance their knowledge and skills on sanctions systems in cases of discrimination

17 January 2022 Republic of Moldova

Through a workshop, held online on 17 January, employees of the Equality Council enhanced their knowledge and skills on sanction systems in cases of discrimination. During the session, sanctions and recommendations in discrimination cases issued by equality bodies in the EU, were discussed. This...

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Advancing the counternarratives on hate speech with Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans equality bodies

17 January 2022 Eastern Partnership

The representatives from the network of equality bodies engaged on combating hate speech in the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans region held their conclusive meeting online on 17 January 2022. They tackled the work and the key results during a year long of modules to improve the response...

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Fighting Discrimination and Providing Justice for Ethnic Minorities in the Republic of Moldova

16 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

The NGO Roma National Center from the Republic of Moldova is implementing until April 2022 a project intending to change the negative attitude towards Roma and other ethnic minority groups in the country, as well as to raise awareness of society about the discriminatory practices that lead to...

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Equal opportunities without sexism in the Republic of Moldova: combating sexist speech, gender-based discrimination and violence against women

17 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

The NGO Gender-Centru from the Republic of Moldova, as host organization of Platform for Gender Equality, is implementing until April 2022 a project aiming at increasing equal opportunities without sexism in Moldova and raising awareness in the society at large to take a stand to combat sexist...

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Enhancing the knowledge inclusive education for trainers of the National Institute of Justice

16 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

Trainers of the National Institute of Justice have broadened their knowledge on inclusive education during a two half-day online training of trainers. The event held on 15-16 December, focused on the international legal framework (United Nations Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities,...

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Moldovan police officers exchange with Spanish counterparts on ways to improve work with victims of hate crime

15 December 2021 Spain

Representatives of the General Police Inspectorate of Moldova participated in a study visit to the Police of Madrid and Fuenlabrada, in Spain, with the aim to discuss about the community police practices, the diversity aspects in policing and the fight against hate crime. The visit took place on...

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Taking stock of progress and results achieved in the last six-month period of our project

1 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

During the fourth Steering Group meeting, held online on 1 December, the project’s implementing partners took stock of the results and the progress achieved over the last six month and they approved the action plan for the next period. Particular focus has been put on key initiatives of the...

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Web article on problems encountered by people with HIV

15 November 2021 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech and discrimination against persons with HIV in the Republic of Moldova is now available online. The article is part of a series of six web articles developed by the journalistic platform "Oameni și Kilometri" in co-operation with the Ombudsoffice,...

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Clerks from Moldovan courts consolidate their knowledge on combating discrimination

26 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

Clerks from Moldovan courts participated in an online training course on how to deal with cases of discrimination, through the perspective of the European Convention for Human Rights and the national legislation. The training was focused on the prohibition of discrimination under the European...

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Web article on problems encountered due to intolerance based on religion

15 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech and discrimination against religious minorities in the Republic of Moldova is based on a real life story of a young woman who faced public criticism because of her religion. Her challenging path and the story of successful engagement in community...

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Creation of a new IT tool for publishing judicial statistics in the Republic of Moldova

1 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

A national Internet-based tool, JUSTAT, aimed at publishing data about the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova, such as statistics, key indicators and other information on the performance of the court system, has just been published for supporting the national authorities to further...

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Gender mainstreaming, progressing towards the Partnership for Good Governance II goals

30 September 2021 Strasbourg

Gender equality is an important goal for the Council of Europe and an indispensable part of human rights. It is also an essential element in the functioning of democracy and the rule of law. To further gender equality, the Council of Europe and the Partnership for Good Governance II (PGG)...

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Supporting equality bodies from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions to address hate speech

13 September 2021 Online

The European Union and the Council of Europe, through their partnership continue their work to reinforce the capacities of equality bodies from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions to address hate speech. On 13 September, a new e-learning tool was launched and a pilot group of...

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Web article on problems encountered by Roma people

10 September 2021 Republic of Moldova

Hate speech and discrimination against the Roma community in the Republic of Moldova is the issue covered through the article developed and published by the journalistic platform "Oameni și Kilometri," in cooperation with the Ombudsoffice, the Equality Council and the Promo-LEX NGO in the...

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Call for proposals: Grants for support to civil society organisations for increasing access to justice for victims of discrimination in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine

8 September 2021 Strasbourg

Under the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, and its regional project "Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the Eastern Partnership...

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