Manual on financial investigations to guide law enforcement professionals in Ukraine

30 September 2021 Ukraine

The Council of Europe organised the launching and presentation event of the Manual on financial investigations for Ukraine. The Manual is the achievement of more than two years of joint efforts by law enforcement agencies, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the asset recovery and management...

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European Court of Human Rights factsheets on violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality now available in Azerbaijani

24 September Azerbaijan

The latest versions of the European Court of Human Rights factsheets on violence against women, domestic violence, and gender equality have been translated in Azerbaijani. These factsheets will be distributed to the Academy of Justice of Azerbaijan, partner of the project, and the Bar Association...

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Consultation meetings to define national-level indicators able to demonstrate the effect of judicial reforms in Azerbaijan

23 September 2021 Azerbaijan

From 27 to 30 September 2021, the Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) will organise four half-day online consultations from CEPEJ experts with representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court, Judicial Legal Council and Justice Academy of...

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Discussion of the Draft Law on Mediation

22 September 2021 Armenia

On 17 September 2021 the discussion of the draft law on mediation took place in the framework of the project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia." One of the Project’s components is focused on the improvement of the...

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Taking stock of raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan

20 September Azerbaijan

At the Board meeting of the project “Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan”, which took place in a digital format, the project management informed Board members and observers about the progress of the project, the results achieved to date...

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Supporting equality bodies from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions to address hate speech

13 September 2021 Online

The European Union and the Council of Europe, through their partnership continue their work to reinforce the capacities of equality bodies from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions to address hate speech. On 13 September, a new e-learning tool was launched and a pilot group of...

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Web article on problems encountered by Roma people

10 September 2021 Republic of Moldova

Hate speech and discrimination against the Roma community in the Republic of Moldova is the issue covered through the article developed and published by the journalistic platform "Oameni și Kilometri," in cooperation with the Ombudsoffice, the Equality Council and the Promo-LEX NGO in the...

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Call for proposals: Grants for support to civil society organisations for increasing access to justice for victims of discrimination in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine

8 September 2021 Strasbourg

Under the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, and its regional project "Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the Eastern Partnership...

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Expert discussions on the procedural safeguards and protection against undue interferences for lawyers in Armenia

6 September 2021 Armenia

The expert discussions were organised prior to the development of a country-specific action plan for Armenia. They served as a platform for discussing the feasibility of the introduced recommendations, the ways of their transformation into the action plan and their practical realisation with the...

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Increasing the capacities of police investigators and prosecutors on combating hate crime in Ukraine

18 August 2021 Ukraine

As a response to the needs of the Office of the Prosecutor General and the National Police of Ukraine, we organised a training of multipliers in June. The aim is to create a pool of competent staff that can provide police officers and prosecutors with training on the prevention and effective...

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Increasing the capacities of Ukrainian police officers to handle hate crimes affecting LGBTI people

10 August Ukraine

On 21 and 22 July and on 29 and 30 July 2021, 28 police officers increased their knowledge about LGBTI groups and their skills on how to handle hate crimes affecting LGBTI people, thanks to two training courses organised by the regional EU-Council of Europe project on “Strengthening access to...

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Protecting LGBT People from Hate Crimes in Ukraine

31 July 2021 Ukraine

From 1 February to 31 July 2021, the LGBT Human Rights Nash Mir Centre from Ukraine carried out the project “Protecting LGBT People from Hate Crimes in Ukraine: Recommendations Based on Experience and Advocacy”, with the support of the European Union-Council of Europe joint programme Partnership...

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A new manual to ease individuals’ access to Constitutional Justice in Georgia available now

28 July 2021 Georgia

Constitutional Court’s case law on admissibility criteria has been compiled and analysed in the manual "Constitutional Complains' Admissibility Standards." It is the first manual of its kind, and its’ aim is to guide individuals, citizens, civil society representatives and other potential parties...

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Azerbaijani authorities and civil society to jointly develop a campaign strategy on violence against women

22 July 2021 Azerbaijan

A series of capacity-building sessions was organised in July for Azerbaijani authorities and civil society representatives working in the field of violence against women and domestic violence. The aim is to develop jointly an awareness raising campaign on the issue. The sessions included...

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Leadership training for women-judges

22 July 2021 Armenia

On 22 July 2021 the online training on Leadership skills development for women-judges took place within in the framework project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia.'' One of the Project’s components is focused on...

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Taking stock of results and planning next actions on strengthening anti-money laundering and asset recovery in Azerbaijan

16 July 2021 Azerbaijan

The second Technical Project Committee meeting on strengthening anti-money laundering (AML) and asset recovery in Azerbaijan took place, with representatives from 16 national authorities. The aim was to provide an overview of the activities implemented since the beginning of the project and...

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Moldovan National Institute of Justice trainers enhanced their skills to deliver both in-person and online interactive trainings

13 July 2021 Republic of Moldova

With the aim to create a more conducive learning environment in judicial training courses, whether they take place online or in classrooms, a course was held remotely for twelve trainers of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). The trainers participating are engaged in delivering initial and...

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Raising awareness on hate speech in the Republic of Moldova

13 July 2021 Republic of Moldova

Hate speech harms individuals and the groups it targets, and it harms the social cohesion and democratic principles of societies. To raise awareness in the Republic of Moldova about this issue, several activities are carried out in the second half of 2021 by the regional project “Strengthening...

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Web article on problems encountered by LGBTI people

8 July 2021 Republic of Moldova

Hatred and discrimination can affect all persons. A series of six web articles will be published online through the platform "Oameni și kilometri", prepared by our regional project on combating discrimination with input by the Moldovan Ombudsoffice and the Promo-LEX NGO. The first web article is...

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Seminar on trainer skills in combating discrimination in Ukraine

2-3 July 2021 Ukraine

In co-operation with the Legal Aid Coordination Centre, we organised a seminar for Legal Aid trainers on trainer skills in combating discrimination in Kyiv, Ukraine. The seminar was the last activity of a four-month training of trainers carried out by our project “Strengthening access to justice...

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