Eastern partnership countries discuss gender-related issues in the profession of lawyers

6 February 2023 Yerevan, online

On 6 February an online event was organised to present the findings of the cross-country review of the impact of gender-related issues on the profession of lawyer and access to justice in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. The event gathered 62 members of the Bar...

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Manual on combating hate speech online supporting educators in Armenia

6 February 2023 Yerevan

A “Manual on hate speech online for educators” in Armenian language was publicly presented in hybrid format, at the presence of representatives from the local schools, Yerevan municipality, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport and representatives of Human Rights Defender’s office,...

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Closing event of the CEPEJ project in Georgia

3 February 2023 Tbilisi

The closing event of the CEPEJ component of the project “Enhancing the accountability and the efficiency of the judicial system and the professionalism of lawyers” in Georgia implemented under the Partnership for Good Governance II (PGGII) was held on 3 February 2023. On this occasion the main...

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The Moldovan Equality Council staff analysed their monitoring activity and gained new skills in the field

24 January 2023 Chisinau

The staff of the Equality Council had the occasion to analyse their monitoring activity and learn new skills related to the monitoring mechanism during a workshop, which took place in Chisinau on 23-24 January 2023. Participants of the workshop discussed the goal and scope of the monitoring...

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Prosecutors and judges from the Republic of Moldova increased their knowledge on the European standards and judgements addressing hate speech

19-20 January 2023 Chisinau

A two-day seminar focusing on the way hate speech is addressed by the European Court of Human Rights’ jurisprudence brought together 22 prosecutors and judges from the Republic of Moldova. The program included discussions on the best legal practices in hate speech case handling and exchange...

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Показується результатів: 126 - 130 із 553.


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