Back New draft law on referendum in Serbia: positive initiative, but comes in a rush, needs improvement, says Venice Commission

New draft law on referendum in Serbia: positive initiative, but comes in a rush, needs improvement, says Venice Commission

The efforts by the Serbian authorities to bring the legislation in line with international standards are to be welcomed, but it is regretful that the revision of the law on referendums started only when a constitutional referendum was imminent, said the Venice Commission in its urgent opinion on the Draft Law on the Referendum and the People’s Initiative published today.

Amendments to the fundamental provisions of this legislation should be applied less than one year after their adoption only if they ensure conformity with the standards of the European electoral heritage or implement recommendations by international organisations. The Venice Commission recommends holding the next referendum late enough to make the revised law really applicable to it. The amendments should be adopted by broad consensus and by taking account of the public consultations with all relevant stakeholders.

The amendments include several positive elements, such as the suppression of the quorum for the validity of the referendum, the regulation of the possibility for the Assembly to take a position on the issue submitted to referendum; as well as the obligation to provide citizens with objective information on the referendum issue.

However, several issues should be dealt with in a revised version of the draft. The Venice Commission notably recommends clearly defining the various types of referendums and the provisions applicable to them; the questions which can and cannot be submitted to referendum; the hierarchical rank of the provisions submitted to referendum (constitutional or statutory) and the effect of the request for a referendum on the current legislation. It recommends reconsidering the extension of the right to vote to owners of real estate, or at least to clearly detail this extension. No fee should be required for signature authentication, or at most such a fee should be very small. All voters should have the right to appeal, and the deadlines for lodging complaints and appeals and deciding on them should be reasonably extended. Private media should not be required to keep neutrality; it would suffice to ensure equal conditions for radio and television advertising for private and public mass media. Moreover, the Venice Commission recommends reconsidering the composition of the electoral administration in order to ensure its independence by revising the relevant legal texts.

Other recommendations by the Venice Commission include reconsidering restrictions on the nature of entities that can conduct electoral campaigns, and on financing of such campaigns; extending the deadline between the decision of calling a referendum and the vote; and restricting the discretionary use by the Assembly of the possibility to reduce this deadline, in particular for constitutional referendums. Easing the requirements on the collection of signatures for people’s initiatives is also recommended.

The opinion was prepared under the Expertise Co-ordination Mechanism in the framework of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

Strasbourg 24 September 2021
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Šta je Mehanizam za koordinaciju ekspertiza?

Mehanizam za koordinaciju ekspertiza služi za pružanje zakonodavne ekspertize i savjetodavnih mišljenja u okviru sistema Savjeta Evrope, o javnim politikama u oblastima osnaživanja pravde, suzbijanja privrednog kriminala, borbe protiv diskriminacije i promovisanja i zaštite slobode izražavanja i slobode medija, te ustavnim pitanjima koja spadaju u mandat Evropske komisije za demokratiju putem zakona (poznate kao Venecijanska komisija). Ovakva ekspertiza se pruža uz potpuno uvažavanje nezavisnosti i funkcionalnih specifičnosti mehanizama praćenja Savjeta Evrope i pruža ključnu podršku procesima pridruživanja EU.

Ukoliko se neki od projekata u okviru programa Horizontal Facility bavi temom pod kojom postoji potreba za ekspertizom, zahtjev za ekspertsko mišljenje se može obezbijediti direktno kroz projekat.


Ko može da podnese zahtjev za dobijanje stručnog mišljenja u sklopu Mehanizma za koordinaciju ekspertiza?

Ministri/ministarke (i drugi članovi/članice vlade), predsjednik/predsjednica parlamenta, šefovi ili šefice parlamentarnih komiteta, institucije ombudsmana ili nezavisne državne institucije Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Kosova*, Crne Gore, Sjeverne Makedonije, Srbije i Turske, mogu da podnesu zahtjev za stručno mišljenje u sklopu Mehanizma za koordinaciju ekspertiza.

Osim toga, kada je riječ o pitanjima koja spadaju u oblast nadležnosti Venecijanske komisije, zahtjev za pružanje pomoći u okviru Mehanizma takođe mogu da podnesu i Evropska unija, kao i organi Savjeta Evrope (npr. generalni sekretar, Komitet ministara, Parlamentarna skupština i Kongres lokalnih i regionalnih vlasti).

Pored toga, ustavni sudovi korisnica programa mogu podnijeti zahtjeve za izdavanje amicus curiae uputstava Venecijanske komisije.

*Ovaj naziv je bez prejudiciranja statusa, i u skladu je sa Rezolucijom Savjeta bezbjednosti Ujedinjenih nacija 1244 i mišljenjem Međunarodnog suda pravde o Deklaraciji o nezavisnosti Kosova.