Puna në këtë fushë fokusohet në promovimin e lirisë së shprehjes dhe lirisë së medias në përputhje me standardet evropiane. Ajo synon profesionistët ligjorë (gjyqtarët, prokurorët, avokatët), autoritetet policore, autoritetet rregullatore të medias dhe organet qeveritare përgjegjëse për legjislacionin e medias dhe çështjet e lidhura me gazetarinë, si dhe aktorët e medias (gazetarë, shoqata gazetarësh, organe vetërregulluese, studentë të drejtësisë dhe të gazetarisë dhe organizata të tjera mediatike). Temat e mbrojtjes së të dhënave dhe qasjes në informacionin publik janë me interes të veçantë në kuadër të temës së mbrojtjes së lirisë së shprehjes dhe të medias.

Back Strengthening legal protections for journalists in the Western Balkans: Regional exchange on combatting SLAPPs

Strasbourg 15 November 2024
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Strengthening legal protections for journalists in the Western Balkans:  Regional exchange on combatting SLAPPs

Promoting a secure environment for media professionals is a key priority for the Western Balkans Beneficiaries as outlined by the Council of Europe’s Recommendation on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs). Through the EU and Council of Europe regional action “Protecting Freedom of Expression and Media in the Western Balkans (PRO-FREX)”, the Council of Europe is assisting public actors in implementing these standards to ensure protection of persons who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded claims or abusive court proceedings. This collaborative effort aims to empower media professionals to report freely, without the threat of legal harassment.

In this context, the Regional Exchange on “Countering the use of SLAPPs in the Western Balkans” was organised in Strasbourg bringing together 29 participants, including journalists, members of the judiciary and representatives from relevant ministries. The event provided a platform to foster collaboration and develop strategies to combat SLAPPs across the region.

The Regional Exchange followed the European Anti-SLAPPs Conference, jointly organised on 14 November by the Council of Europe, the European Centre for Media and Press Freedom (ECPMF) and the Coalition against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE). During this event, a comprehensive Anti-SLAPP training programme for judges, prosecutors, and legal professionals—developed under the PRO-FREX Action—was presented.

A key highlight of the Regional Exchange was the presentation of the initial findings from the Regional Baseline Assessment of Legislative and Policy Needs for Implementation of Council of Europe and European Union Standards on countering the use of SLAPPs. Participants engaged in discussions, exchanging ideas and strategies to strengthen legislative frameworks and improve practices across the Western Balkans. This feedback will contribute to the finalisation of the Assessment, ensuring it reflects the region’s priorities and needs.

The Regional exchange was organised by the Council of Europe Division for Cooperation on Freedom of Expression, under the Regional Action “Protecting freedom of expression and of the media in Western Balkans (PRO-FREX)", which is part of the joint programme of the European Union and Council of EuropeHorizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye 2023-2026 .