Law enforcement, judiciary, financial intelligence and other authorities enhance their capacities in asset investigation, seizure and confiscation

26-28 January 2021 Azerbaijan

Following up on the extensive assessment of the existing legal and institutional framework for asset recovery in Azerbaijan previously conducted by the Project, the Council of Europe organised a three-day scenario-based training course to enhance the capacities of 35 representatives of the...

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Web article on problems encountered by people with disabilities

21 January 2022 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech and discrimination against persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova, is now available online. This is the fifth from a series of six web articles developed by the journalistic platform "Oameni și Kilometri", in the framework of the...

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Law enforcement agencies exposed to the best practices for the efficient investigation and prosecution of terrorist financing

20-21 January 2022 Georgia

This two-day training on “Investigation and Prosecution of Terrorist Financing Cases” was organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the State Security Service of Georgia. The activity, delivered in “hybrid” format with the online contribution of international Council of Europe...

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Advancing the counternarratives on hate speech with Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans equality bodies

17 January 2022 Eastern Partnership

The representatives from the network of equality bodies engaged on combating hate speech in the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans region held their conclusive meeting online on 17 January 2022. They tackled the work and the key results during a year long of modules to improve the response...

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Representatives of the Equality Council enhance their knowledge and skills on sanctions systems in cases of discrimination

17 January 2022 Republic of Moldova

Through a workshop, held online on 17 January, employees of the Equality Council enhanced their knowledge and skills on sanction systems in cases of discrimination. During the session, sanctions and recommendations in discrimination cases issued by equality bodies in the EU, were discussed. This...

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Launch of the report “Systemic mapping of national responses to hate speech in Ukraine”

17 January 2022 Ukraine

What is the impact of hate speech on the society? What challenges does it pose and how can they be effectively addressed? What means of redress, tools and actions are available to victims in Ukraine? What is the role played by different state and civil society actors in addressing hate speech?...

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Awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech in Armenia: The role of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia

This is one of the three awareness-raising videos prepared in co-operation with the with the Human Rights Defender of Armenia. These awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech have been prepared in the framework of the project “Strengthening the access to justice through non-judiciary...

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