On 21 January 2022, the “Roma mainstreaming in community development” webinar took place, within the joint EU/Council of Europe programme JUSTROM3.
The event was attended by representatives of municipalities from Portugal, of municipalities from countries where the joint programmes JUSTROM3 and ROMACT work (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania), representatives of NGOs and collaborators of the two programmes.
The webinar opened the floor for participants to share experiences and ideas in respect of Roma community development. Examples of integrated approaches from ROMACT programme and from Portugal were shared with the participants, discussing how these can be tailored to adequately respond to Roma women needs. One of the sessions of the webinar brought into discussion the barriers to accessing of public services by Roma women and how these can be addressed by local authorities. The functioning of the ROMACT local taskforce for Roma inclusion was explained, being pointed out how this model could be adapted to integrate intersectional approaches.