Available online: Mapping Study on School Segregation of Roma Communities: Trends and Pathways Towards Educational Inclusion

The Mapping Study on School Segregation of Roma Communities: Trends and Pathways Towards Educational Inclusion is a study commissioned by the European Union and Council of Europe Joint Project Inclusive Schools: Making a Difference for Roma Children (INSCHOOL). The main objective of the study is...

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Feasibility Study on a School Desegregation Intervention in the Slovak Republic - now available online

June 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Feasibility Study on a School Desegregation Intervention in the Slovak Republic (Busing Study) was commissioned within the European Union and Council of Europe Joint Project, Inclusive Schools: Making a Difference for Roma Children (INSCHOOL) within its component dedicated to technical...

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From practice to policy and back: the INSCHOOL Final Conference concluding the project “Inclusive Schools: Making a difference for Roma children”

28 May 2024 Brussels

Education, which stands as a fundamental right, has an important role in breaking down the poverty cycle for marginalised groups, including Roma. However, it can only be as effective if interlinked with other essential pillars of inclusion, such as employment, health, and housing. Therefore, the...

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INSCHOOL concludes the training course on “Education policy making based on inclusive values and data”

5 February 2024 Strasbourg, France

Following the residential seminar of the training course “Education policy making based on inclusive values and data”, held in Budapest, Hungary in July 2023, the international training course continued online between September 2023 and February 2024. These online training sessions, which drew...

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Workshops on fostering inclusive education practice in schools in Korçë 13 & 14 December 2023

13 & 14 December 2023 Korçë, Albania

On 13 December 2023, a workshop on fostering inclusive education practice in schools took place in the Korçë, Albania. It was organised within the Inclusive Education Ambassador Initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe Joint Project Inclusive Schools: Making a Difference for Roma...

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INSCHOOL Training Course on Education Policy Making Based on Inclusive Values and Data

11-13 July 2032 Budapest, Hungary

Nearly 40 participants gathered in Budapest, Hungary, to take part in the residential seminar of the Training Course on Education Policy Making Based on Inclusive Values and Data organised as part of the European Union and Council of Europe Joint Project “Inclusive Schools: Making a Difference...

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International Study Visit to Portugal 24 -25 May 2023

26 may 2023 Lisbon, Portugal

Over 40 participants from Ministries of Education, National Roma Contact Points, education policy experts, and practitioners from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic gathered in Lisbon on May 24th and 25th, 2023. The study visit focused on the "Educational...

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CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Training course on education policy making based on inclusive values and data

05 June2023 Strasbourg, France

The European Union and Council of Europe Joint Project “Inclusive Schools: Making a Difference for Roma Children (INSCHOOL)” aims to support the design and implementation of national inclusive education policies and innovative inclusive education practices in targeted member states in line with...

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Inclusive Education Ambassadors – first meeting in Strasbourg

25 March 2023 Strasbourg, France

Twelve selected “Inclusive Education Ambassadors” from Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, and the United Kingdom meet for the first time on 28-29 March 2023 in Strasbourg to discuss promoting quality inclusive education for Roma and Travellers...

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First meeting of the Task Force for the preparation of the feasibility study on Desegregation and Inclusion Policies and Practices in the field of Education for Roma and Traveller Children

1 December 2022 Strasbourg, France

Shared from the Roma and Travellers Team website. On 1 December 2022, the first meeting of the Task Force for the preparation of the feasibility study and possible draft Committee of Ministers Recommendation on Desegregation and Inclusion Policies and Practices in the field of Education for Roma...

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INSCHOOL International Study Visit

28 October 2022 Strasbourg, France

Between 26-27 October 2022, nearly 30 participants from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Portugal, Romania and the Slovak Republic gathered in Strasbourg for the International Study Visit devoted to the “Council of Europe Standards and Tools on Quality and Inclusive Education”. The event was organised...

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Call for applications for Inclusive Education Ambassadors

21 July 2022 Strasbourg, France

The European Union and Council of Europe Joint Project “Inclusive Schools: Making a Difference for Roma Children” (INSCHOOL) is launching an Inclusive Education Ambassador initiative. The main aim of the initiative is to raise the awareness of the general and professional public about the...

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By Mihaela Zatreanu

The importance of Romani language learning and teaching for a more inclusive education for all

This article aims to describe the importance of Romani as mother tongue in shaping the cultural and personal identity of Roma students and its crucial role in child’s overall development, psychological well-being, and self-esteem. It also analyses how cultural and personal identity can influence...

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By Mustafa Jakupov

The pursuit of inclusive education for Roma students: ideals vs reality

20 April 2022 Strasbourg, France

Inclusive education acknowledges the fact that the classroom is filled with diverse learners coming from diverse backgrounds. When inclusion is done well, every student benefits from it. It strengthens the ability of every student to work well with other students, understand and value different...

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Dr.sc. Ljatif Demir, Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, Magisterski studij Romistika

Важноста и значењето на ромската историја во инклузивното образование во анставата за ромските деца

08 April 2022 Strasbourg, France

Образованието на децата Роми низ историјата секогаш се одвивало на јазикот на мнозинското население. Децата Роми од почетокот на нивното образование не се препознаваат по својот јазик кој има свои културни вредности. Со тоа Ромите го губат симболот за нивниот колективен идентитет, знак дека...

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dr.sc. Ljatif Demir, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, Master Studies of Romistics

The importance of Romani history teaching for a more inclusive education of Roma children

07 April 2022 Strasbourg, France

The education of Roma children throughout history has always taken place in the language of the majority population. Roma children, from the beginning of their education, do not distinguish themselves by their language which has its own cultural values. With that, Roma lose the symbol of their...

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Roma and young people in public education – INSCHOOL experience shared at the EESC’s public hearing

06 April 2022 Strasbourg, France

On 05 April 2022, the European Economic and Social Committee's Thematic Study working Group on the Inclusion of Roma organised a virtual public hearing entitled ''Roma children and young people in public education: assessing the situation and the way forward''. The discussion brought together...

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INSCHOOL contribution to OECD’s Policy Forum

01/04/2022 Strasbourg, France

On 17 March 2020, the INSCHOOL project contributed to the discussion at OECD’s Policy Forum focusing on “Measuring and evaluating inclusion in education: developing and applying indicators”. The event was organised by the Strength through Diversity Project of the OECD and aimed to: discus the...

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08 February 2022 Strasbourg

Answers to the questions related to the call call for tenders for the provision of consultancy services in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Romania and the Slovak Republic in the framework of the EU/CoE Joint Project “INSCHOOL” How can we participate in the project? Can I have a...

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By Calin Rus, Director, Intercultural Institute, Timisoara, Romania

Doing harm with good intentions for Roma children

12/01/2022 Strasbourg, France

The purpose of the paper is to draw the attention of readers of some risks that can be encountered when trying to do the “right thing” and in the efforts of improving the education of Roma children and does not intend to place blame on anyone. Based on several theories developed and tested with...

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— 20 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 20 of 86 results.