Horizontal Facility дополнително ја таргетира борбата против корупцијата, економскиот криминал, перењето пари и финансирањето на тероризмот, како и борбата против криминалот во животната средина, што ќе вклучува мерки за справување со транспарентноста на финансирањето на политичките партии, системите за декларација на имот, националните проценки на ризик и развој на капацитети на единиците за финансиско разузнавање.

Back Raising awareness of Albanian political advisers on integrity matters and ethics’ rules

Albania 12-14 December 2022
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Raising awareness of Albanian political advisers on integrity matters and ethics’ rules

Taking into account the strong impact of corruption on the rule of law, on the citizens’ trust in democracy and for the social and economic development, the Council of Europe promotes an effective application of standards for ethical behaviour of officeholders. This includes the commitment at the highest political level within the public sector, to these ethical standards. 

In order to contribute to building a strong culture of integrity, the Action against Economic Crime held three consecutive training sessions in close co-operation with the Albanian Ministry of Justice, on 12-14 December 2022. The aim of these trainings was to raise awareness and knowledge of 38 political advisers of the Ministers’ Cabinet and the Prime Minister’s Office, on the practical application of the existing legal requirements in the area of ethics, prevention of conflict of interests and integrity.

During these capacity building activities, the experts explained through concrete examples the general principles and rules of domestic legislation and the international standards and practices, including Council of Europe recommendations and guidelines on ethics and integrity of public officials.

Further to these trainings, the Action provided technical expertise to prepare two Explanatory Manuals on conflict of interests and gifts and preferential treatment which would enable a more effective implementation of the Albanian Ministerial Code of Ethics. Both initiatives address recommendation no. 5 of the Fifth Evaluation Round of GRECO Report for Albania.  


The Action against Economic Crime in Albania is part of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II”, a joint programme of the European Union and Council of Europe, which aims at assisting beneficiaries in the Western Balkans region and Turkey to comply with the Council of Europe standards and European Union acquis in the framework of the enlargement process.

Проект против економскиот криминал во Албанија Проект против корупција, перење пари и финансирање тероризам во Босна и Херцеговина Проект против економскиот криминал во Црна Гора Проект против економскиот криминал во Северна Македонија Проект против перење пари во Турција Проект против економскиот криминал во Западен Балкан