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Policy team in Skopje discusses challenges and issues facing inclusive education


At its meeting in February, the Policy team for "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" worked on identification of issues and challenges in inclusive policies and discussed cross-themes related to levels and types of education. The meeting was in preparation for the Regional Inclusive Policy Net meeting in Sarajevo. Each of the team members selected the cross-thematic regional groups they wished to be part of.

The main challenges and issues highlighted during the meeting were:

  • inadequate teacher curricula in initial education,
  • the expertise of the psychologists, pedagogues and special educators is not appropriately used in the classroom,
  • rising drop-out,
  • transition into higher grades and between the levels of education,
  • shorter VET courses tailored by the needs of the market and of the potential users

and many more…

Some lessons learned and suggestions identified at the meeting in Skopje were:

  • There is a space for improvement of cooperation between the team members.
  • Major support from the policy makers in the country is needed for successful development of the recommendations.
  • More connection and joint work with other Policy net members in the region is crucial for mutual learning and growth
  • This Policy Net team has the capacity to promote of the idea and philosophy of inclusive education in the country and to contribute to the same goal in the region.

The members of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Policy team are from various institutions such as the Ministry of Education, State Educational Inspectorate, and Bureau for Development of Education, VET Centre, and Pedagogical Faculty in Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, Macedonian Civic Education Centre, one primary and one VET school.

Meeting agenda
List of participants
Policy support component
Meeting report