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Day to day support to schools

(The role of NEPC as a local partner)

Support to the pilot schools to help them develop inclusive cultures, policies and practices is getting underway. The Network of Educational Policy Centres (NEPC) will be the local partner providing this support in each beneficiary.

NEPC members will identify existing inclusive practices, gaps and challenges. Based on the results for each school, NEPC members will help in developing individual School Development Plans for each of the 49 pilot schools which will include building the capacity of the school teams, and other teachers, in areas where they need this the most.

In addition to these activities, NEPC will support the schools in identifying ideas and developing project proposals for Small Grants to be distributed to each school and implemented during the 2014/2015 school year.

NEPC will also provide regular monitoring reports on schools' progress, as well as recommendations for improvement. NEPC will also work with schools to develop Schools' Sustainability Plans which will give the schools an opportunity to sustain the results of their activities.

For more information about NEPC see NEPC short presentation