Country Republic of Moldova

One in four people felt discriminated in the Republic of Moldova during the last year

16 March 2021 Republic of Moldova

The general population and professionals in the Republic of Moldova consider discrimination a widespread problem, according to a national study conducted in the period September-November 2020. One in four people from the general population interviewed stated that they have felt discriminated in...

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Moldovan judicial staff trained on discrimination on ground of disability

2 March 2021 Remote

On 2 March , 30 representatives from Moldovan courts and prosecutor offices were trained on the subject of discrimination on ground of disability, The training was organized in cooperation with the National Institute of Justice in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint...

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Police officers, prosecutors and judges from the Republic of Moldova will improve their professional skills to combat hate crime

1 March 2021 Republic of Moldova

Combating hate crimes is a key issue for law enforcement and the judicial system and a key step in this process is the development of capacities of those involved, according to international standards and a coordinated approach. On 1 March 2021, our project launched a training of trainers for 28...

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Raising awareness of young people in relation to discrimination and hate speech in the Republic of Moldova

26 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

The "MilleniuM" Training and Development Institute is implementing until July 2021 a national project in the Republic of Moldova raising awareness of young people in relation to discrimination and hate speech, with the support of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership...

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Steering Group meeting of the European Union / Council of Europe joint Project in the Republic of Moldova

25 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

On 25 February 2021 the third meeting of the Steering Group for the project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova” was held. The event was attended by partners of the project and by a representative of the Delegation of the...

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Seminar on optimal resource distribution in courts

25 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

A seminar on the use of CEPEJ tools to optimise the distribution of resources in courts has been organised in a videoconference format. European experts familiarised the participants with methods on applying Key Performance Indicators and statistical data to strengthen court management in...

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Building capacities on judicial communication in the Republic of Moldova

19 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised an online training session on court communication for more than 40 justice professionals, including judges, court presidents, as well as representatives of the Superior Council of Magistrates and the Ministry of Justice. The...

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A strategic approach for the monitoring function of the Moldovan Equality Council

19 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

In an online meeting, independent equality and human rights expert Niall Crowley presented the results of a remote assessment of the Monitoring Strategy of the Moldovan Equality Council for 2021-2023. "This (monitoring strategy, n.r.) represents a significant step in strengthening the planned and...

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Networking and knowledge depository platform for lawyers from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine now available

17 February 2021 Online

A new platform for networking, exchanging information and best practices, accessing key documents, including pieces of legislation and research is now accessible to lawyers, bar associations and legal professional in the Eastern Partnership countries. The platform was presented at the second...

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Police officers from the Republic of Moldova will improve their professional abilities in enforcing the legislation and tackling hate crimes and hate speech

15 February 2021 The Republic of Moldova

The regional project funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe “Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in the Eastern Partnership”, started the first cycle of training for trainers from the General Police Inspectorate on the themes...

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The Council of Europe and the European Union share the proposals for future co-operation priorities in the six Eastern Partnership countries submitted through the Suggestion Box

5 February 2021 Online

The online event “Improving the lives of citizens through better governance” of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme on Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) 2019-2021, held on 5-7 October 2020, allowed speakers and participants to exchange about priorities in the region under...

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Strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of the recommendations issued by the Moldovan Equality Council


A report commissioned by the Council of Europe to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of recommendations made by the Equality Council in the Republic of Moldova concerning discrimination cases, is now published online. Niall Crowley, international consultant, presented the report proposing...

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Improving judicial communication to increase the public confidence in the judicial system of the Republic of Moldova

20 January 2021 Republic of Moldova

An assessment report that will help the national courts in the country to further strengthen the institutional capacities to develop better communication practices, internally and in relations with mass-media and the large public, has been presented. During the workshop organised on 20 January...

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Strengthening the access to justice for vulnerable groups in the Republic of Moldova

20 January 2021 Republic of Moldova

Equal access to judicial services for all citizens, specifically access to courts for vulnerable groups including victims of discrimination, persons with disabilities, women, and children has been the focus of the online event organised on 20 January 2021. Representatives of key justice sector...

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Harmonisation of collection and use of disaggregated data on hate crimes

17 December 2021

In the Republic of Moldova, the PGG regional anti-discrimination project carried out a participatory inter-agency process with law enforcement agencies (Police, Prosecutor’s Office, Police Academy, National Institute of Justice) and the Equality Council to harmonise the collection and use of...

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Council of Europe and European Union Delegation presented the state of implementation of the joint projects in the Republic of Moldova in 2020 and PGG activities planned for 2021


The European Union and Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance 2019-2021 held its second Steering Committee meeting for the Republic of Moldova on 14 December 2020 morning. The meeting aimed to present the state of implementation and the results of the Programme and discuss plans for...

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Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Equality Council recommendations - key tool in fighting discrimination in Moldova


The EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the Moldovan Equality Council (Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality - CPEDEE) in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of its recommendations. On 23 and 24 November, a 2-days round of discussions was...

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National PGG II project on anti-discrimination holds its second Steering Committee Meeting


On 27 November 2020, the joint EU / CoE project implemented in the frame of the Partnership for Good Governance II ”Strengthening the capacities of the justice sector actors to deliver justice in line with European standards, in particular to fight discrimination in the Republic of Moldova”...

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Moldovan Equality Council staff learning on the right to apply to the Constitutional Court based on the new constitutionality review of legislation


In the context of the current draft amendments to the national legislation, aimed at empowering the Moldovan Equality Council with the right to apply to the Constitutional Court for constitutionality review of legislation, the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Programme supports the Moldovan...

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Moldovan stakeholders involved in the meetings of the CEPEJ working group on judicial time management

9-10 November 2020 ONLINE

On 9 and 10 November 2020 the representatives of the partner institutions from Moldova – the Agency for Court Administration and the National Union of Enforcement Agents – attended the online 28th meeting of the Working group on judicial time management (CEPEJ-SATURN). The working group has the...

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Judicial staff Training on European standards on discrimination

28 October 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Programme supports the National Institute of Justice in training the judicial staff on identifying and better understanding discrimination, according to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and EU legislation. Throughout a 1-day online training,...

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21 lawyers and trainee lawyers consolidated their theoretical knowledge and practice on non-discrimination

30 October Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Programme supports the Lawyers’ Training Centre of the Moldovan Bar Association in providing capacity building for lawyers and trainee lawyers on non-discrimination, in line with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and EU legislation. A total...

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Moldovan lawyers instructed how to submit applications to ECHR

27 October 2020 Online

On 27 October, lawyers from Moldova received formation on the procedure for examining admissibility of applications to the ECHR. This highly practical online training was delivered by international consultant and human rights lawyer Dmitri Bartenev from Sankt Petersburg. He shared his experience...

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Call for proposals: Grants for support to civil society organisations for combating discrimination in Armenia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine

21 October 2020 Strasbourg

Under the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, and its regional project “Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the Eastern Partnership...

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IT-based solutions are envisaged to increase the efficiency of the enforcement system in the Republic of Moldova

09 October 2020 Moldova

A coordination meeting in online format took place on 9 October 2020 to address the needs and discuss further steps in the implementation of IT-based solutions for the enforcement system in civil and administrative matters. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Justice...

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Even in difficult times, Partnership for Good Governance programme keeps delivering

7 October 2020 Strasbourg

A PGG online event to reflect on the mid-term results of the second phase of the European Union and Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance (PGG), launched in 2019 for the Eastern Partnership region, took place from 5-7 October 2020 under the title ‘Improving the lives of citizens...

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5-7 October: high-level online event on midterm results of the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance for Eastern Partnership countries

1 October 2020 Strasbourg

A welcome address by Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe and by Olivér Várhelyi, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement will be presented at 9:00 CEST on 5 October. It will be followed at 10:30 CEST on 5 October by a live session “Eastern Partnership:...

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Combating Discrimination in Eastern Partnership Region: expert talks and good practices presentations are now available online

29 September 2020 Online

The Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) programme, financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe, launches a series of expert talks and good practices presentations on combating discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in Eastern...

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Judges and prosecutors trained by international and national experts on anti-discrimination

04 September 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the National Institute of Justice in training judges and prosecutors on identifying and dealing with cases of hate speech and domestic violence. On 4 September, the judges and prosecutors trained by the National Institute of Justice took part in a...

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The Equality Council is strengthening its monitoring function with support from the Council of Europe

02-03 September 2020 Online

The EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the Moldovan Equality Council with the development of a monitoring strategy in line with European Standards. On the 2nd and 3rd of September, Moldovan Equality Council members took part in a 2-day online workshop to strengthen their skills and...

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Trainers improving their skills on delivering formation on the investigation of hate crimes

24-25 August 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the National Institute of Justice in training the trainers on investigating crimes that are motivated by prejudice and bias. The trainers of the Moldovan National Institute of Justice received formation on understanding and defining hate crime,...

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Discussing ways to improve the enforcement of court decisions in civil and administrative matters in the Republic of Moldova

13 August 2020 Online

On 13 August 2020 the Secretariat of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) moderated an on-line workshop in order to discuss the ways to further improve the enforcement of court decisions in civil and administrative matters in the Republic of Moldova and to define...

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Steering the project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova”

13 August 2020 Moldova

On 13 August 2020 was carried out the second meeting of the Steering Group of the project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova” ("CEPEJ Project"), which is part of the Partnership of the Council of Europe and the European...

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Efforts are pursued to improve the efficiency of courts and the quality of judicial services in the Republic of Moldova

12 August 2020 Online

On 12 August 2020 a team of experts of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) met in a videoconference their colleagues from judicial administration of the Republic of Moldova to discuss new measures with a view to improving the efficiency of courts and the quality of...

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Sharing the experience of judicial case-weighting in the Republic of Moldova with European partners

6 August 2020 Moldova

On 6 August 2020 the judicial case-weighting model in the Republic of Moldova was presented and discussed with Latvian counterparts. The event was moderated by the Secretariat of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) and took place in the format of a videoconference under...

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Moldovan Equality Council: A monitoring framework, strategy and process report

05 August 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the Moldovan Equality Council on strengthening its strategic approach towards monitoring. On August 5th, international consultant Niall Crowley presented the results of a review of the monitoring mechanisms and instruments of the Moldovan Equality...

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Council of Europe tools on Women’s Access to Justice now available in new languages

5 August 2020 Strasbourg, France

Within the Partnership for Good Governance II, the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe, the regional project on Women's Access to Justice: delivering on the Istanbul Convention and other European gender equality standards in the Eastern Partnership countries has...

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Webinar: The inclusion of disabled people and fighting discrimination

30 July 2020 ONLINE

On 6 August, a webinar will be organised on “The inclusion of disabled people and fighting discrimination” between 3-5 pm CET. The webinar will be an opportunity to learn more about the situation of disabled people and their experiences of discrimination. Good practices will be shared on...

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Intersectional discrimination – a practical training for the Equality Council

23-24 July 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the Moldovan Equality Council on addressing the principles of intersectionality in cases of discrimination. On the 23rd and 24th of July, the team of the Moldovan Equality Council participated in a 2-day online training on intersectional...

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Inter-ministerial webinars on measuring Women’s Access to Justice in the Eastern Partnership countries

29-30 June 2020 Strasbourg, France

“We need to normalize women’s access to justice, as these standards need to permeate not only gender related issues and institutions but the entire justice system and state apparatus” Shazia Choudhry, professor of law, Queen Mary University of London On 29 and 30 June 2020, the Council of...

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Publication of the comparative review of the procedural and institutional setup of functioning of lawyers in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

25 June 2020 Strasbourg, France

In the framework of the PGG II project “Strengthening the legal profession in line with European standards”, a comparative review of the procedural and institutional setup of functioning of lawyers in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine was published. The comparative review is focused...

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Venice Commission adopts opinions for Armenia and the Republic of Moldova

18-19 June 2020 Strasbourg

On 18 and 19 June 2020, the European Commission of Democracy through Law (the “Venice Commission”) has adopted two opinions prepared under the PGG Quick response Mechanism through a written procedure: The Republic of Moldova – Opinion on the Revised draft Law on amending and supplementing the...

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Webinar series on combating discrimination to take place this summer

4 June 2020 Online

Five webinars will be organised between June and August on combating discrimination and working with victims. The aim of the webinars is to build attendees’ understanding of key discrimination areas and issue, and also share good practices from the Eastern Partnership region (Armenia, Azerbaijan,...

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Call for tenders : design and layout services on access to justice in Eastern Partnership countries

18 May 2020 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe is launching a call for the provision of publication design and layout services on access to justice in Eastern Partnership countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) in the framework of PGG II regional project “Women’s Access to...

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Latest edition of Partnership for Good Governance II is out

27 May 2020 Strasbourg, France

Do you want to learn more about PGG II projects and activities ? Then have a look at the latest edition of our newsletter ! We are talking about the COVID-19 crisis and its challenges, presenting about the launch of two new HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Profesionnals) courses (watch our...

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President of Moldovan Equality Council speaks about cooperation in the field of anti-discrimination on the occasion of EU Days

May 22 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

”Our Equality Council yearly examines around 300 complaints and almost every complaint is a story of someone fighting for their rights.” Ian Feldman, President of the Moldovan Equality Council On May 22, in the context of the celebration of the EU days, President of the Moldovan Equality Council,...

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73 participants from Eastern Partnership countries to take the HELP course on Fight Against Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia and Transphobia

15 May 2020 Strasbourg, France

Over 70 participants from equality bodies, Ombudsperson institutions, NGOs and public agencies from the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine) are engaging in a regional HELP course on fighting racism, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia. The...

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Call for Tenders for national consultants in the Republic of Moldova

14 May 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The Council of Europe is launching calls for the provision of consultancy services in the fields of court management and enforcement of court decisions in civil and administrative matters in the Republic of Moldova, in the framework of the Partnership for Good Governance II 2019-2021 (PGG II)...

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PGG and the Covid-19 crisis: The protection and promotion of European citizens rights is essential

12 May 2020 Strasbourg, France

While the COVID-19 situation is evolving fast and has developed into an unprecedented crisis in Europe and in the whole world, we need to stay united and to continue working together to protect and promote the rights and freedoms of European citizens. The Partnership for Good Governance (PGG)...

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Call for tenders for the provision of local consultancy services in the area of access to justice and violence against women in Eastern Partnership countries

11 May 2020 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe is launching a call for the provision of consultancy services on access to justice and violence against women in Eastern Partnership countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) in the framework of the EU/Council of Europe Partnership...

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