Country Republic of Moldova

State of affairs in the area of equality and nondiscrimination presented at the Conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary since the adoption of the Law on ensuring equality

9 June 2022 Republic of Moldova

Representatives of key institutions working on human rights, civil society organisations and associations that represent minority groups attended the conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary since the adoption of the Law on Ensuring Equality. The aim of the event was to take stock of the...

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Addressing hate speech through improving data collection in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region

3 June 2022 Eastern Partnership

The joint network of equality bodies working in the field of combatting hate speech delivered the first of the four planned workshops on “Addressing hate speech through improving data collection”. The activity aimed at ensuring a practical exchange between equality bodies/Ombudsperson...

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Tulip Press Award 2022 for articles created under EU/CoE awareness-raising campaign on hate speech

6 May 2022 Republic of Moldova

The Center for Independent Journalism (CJI) and the Office of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands announced the results of the competition Tulip Press Awards, 2022 edition, to highlight the efforts of journalists who address human rights issues in their materials. In its second edition,...

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