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Youth Pass - Youth Pass is a European recognition tool for nonformal and informal learning experiences in youth work, available to the participants of the projects granted through Erasmus+ and Youth in Action programmes and the European Solidarity Corps. The Youthpass certificate allows participants to describe their learning experiences and learning achievements, being part of the European Commission’s strategy to foster the recognition of non-formal learning. At the end of the project, its participants reflect upon their personal non formal learning process. The certificate is an essential document that supports active European citizenship of young people and youth workers, and also an excellent tool for the social recognition of youth work.

REF: Youthpass, What is Youthpass?

See also: APEL; citizenship; Erasmus Plus; European Commission; informal learning; nonformal learning; youth work; youth workers

See also: APEL; citizenship; Erasmus Plus; European Commission; informal learning; nonformal learning; youth work; youth workers