
Add your voice to our study and contribute to further develop and define future co-operation priorities for the Eastern Partnership region.

You are invited to share your thoughts and ideas about what the future co-operation between the European Union, the Council of Europe and the Eastern Partnership countries should focus on.  You are welcome to fill in the following form.

The suggestions provided will be considered when designing future priorities for the EU Deliverables for the Eastern Partnership region for the years to come.

A summary of the proposals and ideas will be posted on social media and on the PGG website after the event.

Only the PGG team in charge of administering the Suggestion box will have access to responses to the individual questionnaires. The PGG team will produce a consolidated anonymised report based on the suggestions received, so that any other entity/person will only have access to anonymised data. Responses to the individual questionnaires will be deleted once the consolidated report has been prepared.