Launch of HELP course on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Georgia

27 April 2020 Tbilsi, Georgia

The Council of Europe HELP online course International Cooperation in Criminal Matters was launched for the first time in Georgia for a range of legal professionals. Mr Cristian Urse, Head of Office, Council of Europe Office in Georgia, Mr Gocha lordkipanidze, Deputy of Minister of Justice, Ms...

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Council of Europe provides expert opinion on Azerbaijan’s legislation applicable to implementation of targeted financial sanctions

6 April 2020 Baku, Azerbaijan

Council of Europe provided a legal opinion to the Financial Intelligence Unit of Azerbaijan, upon its request, on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing legislation. The analysis and recommendations of the opinion are intended to support the competent authorities in improving the...

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PGG project cooperates with Ukraine authorities to enhance anti-money laundering measures

30 March 2020 Kyiv, Ukraine

Many economic crimes involve misuse of corporate entities to hide origins of illicit gains. Increasing transparency around ultimate beneficial owners of corporate entities and understanding their potential money laundering and terrorist financing risks help countries to mitigate such misuse....

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Venice Commission adopted opinions for Armenia and the Republic of Moldova

24 March 2020 Strasbourg, France

Following the spread of the COVID-19 virus to northern Italy, the Enlarged Bureau of the Venice Commission had decided not to hold the scheduled 20-21 March plenary session in Venice. Instead, only some opinions of those on the agenda have been adopted by written procedure. The preparation of two...

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Results of a public survey on the perception of discrimination in Belarus

23 March 2019 Strasbourg, France

A new report on the perception of discrimination in Belarus has been published. The Anti-discrimination Department of the Council of Europe, in co-operation with the National Centre of Legislation and Legal research of the Republic of Belarus, initiated in autumn 2019 a public survey to assess...

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Training of Trainers (ToT) organised with the Justice Academy in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia

6-7 March 2020 Tsaghkadzor, Armenia

A two-day training of trainers (ToT) on “Peculiarities of the victim's status in the criminal proceedings” and on “Practical skills for applying alternative preventive measures to detention” was organised in co-operation with the Justice Academy on 6-7 March in Tsaghkadzor. The goal of the first...

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Future steps for the improvement of the data collection on discrimination discussed in Ukraine

3 March 2020 Ukraine

On 3 March, the Council of Europe organised a meeting with representatives from state and non-state institutions in order to discuss progress in the collection of disaggregated data on cases of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in Ukraine. Two Council of Europe experts presented a report...

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Armenian civil servants participate in an awareness raising workshop on integrity systems and corruption prevention

3 March 2020 Yerevan, Armenia

An awareness raising workshop on integrity systems and corruption prevention took place on 3 March 2020, in Yerevan, Armenia. The workshop highlighted the importance of establishing a regular anti-corruption training for civil servants. Representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Corruption...

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Improvement of the system of law enforcement in the Republic of Moldova through self-evaluation and new ICT tools

2-3 March 2020 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

The system of enforcement of court decisions in civil and administrative matters in the Republic of Moldova will mark soon 10 years since switching to the institute of private judicial officers (bailiffs). This important reform was supported back in 2010 by the Council of Europe and the European...

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Second Steering Committee Meeting of the PGG II Georgia

27 February 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia

The second Steering Committee Meeting of the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Project on “Enhancing the systems of prevention and combating corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing in Georgia” was organised on 27 February 2020. The Committee members took stock of the results...

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