The syllabus and its accompanying teacher’s guide aim to provide a comprehensive, cross-cutting understanding of the principles of equality and non-discrimination, from international to grassroots level. Consisting of inclusive and innovative teaching methods within its various modules, such as ‘ARTivism’ (tackling tactics and messages used by Roma and ally artists to highlight antigypsyism and anti-Roma discrimination and to shape the image of Roma through art), the syllabus can be taught either as a cohesive unit or individually across diverse faculties in universities and training institutions such as police academies and law schools, in pre-service and in-service training.
The importance of ensuring human rights education for all university professors and students was also emphasized within the context of the Council of Europe HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) online courses and the Roma module within the Anti-Discrimination course.
Participants considered the training as an excellent opportunity for networking with experts in the field, discussing joint research projects, initiatives to address discrimination and equality. The syllabus also encourages students to undertake projects related to Roma communities or gender equality. Academia representatives have shown a notable commitment and willingness to pilot and integrate the syllabus into teaching curricula and to build capacities on protection against anti-Roma discrimination and gender equality. The training holds the potential to contribute to long-term cultural and societal change.
The syllabus was developed under the Council of Europe and European Union Joint Programme “Roma Women’s Access to Justice” (JUSTROM3). This work continues under the EQUIROM CoE/EU Joint Programme EQUIROM – Equality and freedom from discrimination for Roma. Through its awareness-raising and capacity-building activities targeting media, the programme addresses stereotypes, hate speech, and prejudice in order to change the narratives in the main media in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Romania. More information on EQUIROM is available here