Country Republic of Moldova

Advancing regional co-operation to bring forward equality reforms for the protection of LGBTI community


A regional peer exchange on tackling equality reforms and focusing on the protection of LGBTI persons, took place in Podgorica, Montenegro. Following the regional LGBTI conference on “Addressing the rising anti-gender movement” organised in Pristina“ in November 2023, the two-day event organised...

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Improving data collection on hate crimes in the Republic of Moldova

22, 23 and 29 February 2024 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Throughout February 2024, the Council of Europe held three online information sessions on hate crimes for 82 operators of the Police database in the Republic of Moldova. They aimed to present and discuss the latest developments and practices on disaggregated data collection. An efficient...

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New national studies on women's access to justice in the Eastern Partnership countries available

19 February 2024 Strasbourg, France

Policy-makers, judges, prosecutors, legal professionals, as well as representatives of academia and civil society can now benefit from updated national studies “Barriers, remedies and good practices on women’s access to justice” for Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. The...

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