Awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech in Armenia: The role of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia

This is one of the three awareness-raising videos prepared in co-operation with the with the Human Rights Defender of Armenia. These awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech have been prepared in the framework of the project “Strengthening the access to justice through non-judiciary...

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Three awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech go online in Armenia

6 January 2022 Armenia

In co-operation with the Human Rights Defender of Armenia, three awareness-raising videos on combating hate speech have been prepared. The videos will be disseminated via social media and television channels in the country. Democratic societies are built on the respect of human rights and human...

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Supervisory capacities of the National Bank of Ukraine on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing improved through our training sessions

23 December 2021 Ukraine

A training on supervisory techniques to assess the effectiveness of application by obliged entities of controls on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CTF) and their ability to detect and prevent financial crime marked the completion of a series of on-line training for...

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Keynote lecture on electronic evidence gathered lawyers from eight countries

22 December 2021 Online

On 22 December an online meeting for lawyers was organised by our project with the aim to strengthen co-operation between bar associations and law societies to improve the internal functioning and independence of the bars, in line with Council of Europe standards and recommendations. At the...

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Online training for accountants and auditors on anti-money laundering/countering financing of terrorism compliance and the risks associated with the sector

20 December 2021 Georgia

The European Union-Council of Europe joint project, in co-operation with the Service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision (SARAS), organised the online training “Anti-money laundering/countering financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) compliance for accounting/auditing sector”. The...

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Azerbaijani judges enhance their knowledge on adjudication of money laundering and terrorism financing cases

20-21 December 2021 Azerbaijan

24 Azerbaijani judges and one representative of the judicial staff enhanced their understanding and skills on judicial processing and adjudication of money laundering and terrorism financing (ML/TF) cases as a result of the training “Processing and Adjudicating ML/TF Cases” which took place...

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Promoting Yezidi girls’ and women’s right to education in Armenia

21 December 2021 Armenia

Yezidi girls and women constitute the most vulnerable segment of this group in Armenia and usually they do not continue education after completing secondary education. The NGO Armavir Development Center from Armenia, based in the city of Armavir where a large Yazidi community lives, is...

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Challenging stereotypes against disabled people through empowerment in Armenia

21 December 2021 Armenia

Over the period of December 2021- April 2022, the NGO Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities (EREO) from Armenia will run a project with the aim of combating discrimination against people with disabilities by promoting the rights and ensuring their inclusion in the Lori region of Armenia. This project...

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The importance of the combat against corruption stressed in awareness raising meetings for representatives of the state institutions and local municipalities in Georgia

17-18 December 2021 Georgia

In cooperation with the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG), two awareness raising events on “Fighting against Corruption” were organised for the representatives of state institutions and local municipalities. The discussions were led by the staff of the SSSG Anti-corruption Agency,...

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Fighting Discrimination and Providing Justice for Ethnic Minorities in the Republic of Moldova

16 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

The NGO Roma National Center from the Republic of Moldova is implementing until April 2022 a project intending to change the negative attitude towards Roma and other ethnic minority groups in the country, as well as to raise awareness of society about the discriminatory practices that lead to...

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Equal opportunities without sexism in the Republic of Moldova: combating sexist speech, gender-based discrimination and violence against women

17 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

The NGO Gender-Centru from the Republic of Moldova, as host organization of Platform for Gender Equality, is implementing until April 2022 a project aiming at increasing equal opportunities without sexism in Moldova and raising awareness in the society at large to take a stand to combat sexist...

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15 December 2021

A roundtable and a workshop on judicial statistics in Azerbaijan

15 December 2021 Azerbaijan

An online round table to present the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) dynamic database of European judicial systems was held for national stakeholders in Azerbaijan. The various CEPEJ-STAT dashboards, CEPEJ Evaluation Report of judicial systems, evaluation scheme and...

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Enhancing the knowledge inclusive education for trainers of the National Institute of Justice

16 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

Trainers of the National Institute of Justice have broadened their knowledge on inclusive education during a two half-day online training of trainers. The event held on 15-16 December, focused on the international legal framework (United Nations Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities,...

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Law enforcement agencies trained on the special investigative intelligence gathering techniques in the fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing

14-15 December 2021 Georgia

In cooperation with the Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia, the joint European Union-Council of Europe project, organised a two-day training on “Special Investigative Techniques and Intelligence Gathering.” This training was held with the online contribution of Council of Europe...

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Moldovan police officers exchange with Spanish counterparts on ways to improve work with victims of hate crime

15 December 2021 Spain

Representatives of the General Police Inspectorate of Moldova participated in a study visit to the Police of Madrid and Fuenlabrada, in Spain, with the aim to discuss about the community police practices, the diversity aspects in policing and the fight against hate crime. The visit took place on...

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Azerbaijan develops capacity to assess risks of money laundering and terrorism financing related to legal persons and arrangements

15 December 2021 Azerbaijan

The joint European Union-Council of Europe project continues to accompany the Azerbaijani government in the process of performing their second national risk assessment (NRA) in the area of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). Previous support provided...

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From Discrimination to Inclusion: Promoting the Right to Work for All People with Disabilities in Ukraine

14 December 2021 Ukraine

The NGO Fight for Right from Ukraine is implementing until April 2022 a project aiming at combating discrimination affecting disabled people in the country, through advocacy for improved legislation, and raising awareness about the rights of people with disabilities on the labour market. This...

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Effective investigation, prosecution and sanctioning of money laundering offences advanced in Ukraine

14 December 2021 Ukraine

Jointly with the National School of Judges of Ukraine (NSJU), the European Union-Council of Europe joint project, organised an online expert discussion on the application of the recently updated criminal offence of money laundering. This activity builds on long-standing and fruitful cooperation...

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Third Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia"

13 December 2021 Armenia

On 10 December 2021 the third meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia" was held online. The Project aims at promoting judicial independence, the effectiveness of legal...

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Round Table Discussion on the Review of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia

13 December 2021 armenia

On 9 December 2021 the Round Table Discussion on the Review of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia,'' funded by the European Union and the...

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Strengthening access to justice for LGBTQI people in Ukraine

11 December 2021 Ukraine

The NGO Insight from Ukraine is implementing until April 2022 a project aiming at combating discrimination and hatred against LGBTI people in Ukraine through litigation, providing access to support services and informing victims about the possibilities to get assistance. This project is carried...

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Ukrainian non-banking financial institutions better equipped to prevent, detect and report money laundering and terrorist financing

9 December 2021 Ukraine

Our project, in co-operation with the National Bank of Ukraine, delivered a comprehensive training to non-banking financial institutions in better delivering on their anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing obligations. As the National Bank of Ukraine has under its supervision the...

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Staff of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal procedure legislation of Armenia

7 December 2021 Armenia

A one-day workshop on “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code of Armenia” was organised for 18 staff members of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the ECtHR on 7 December, in Yerevan. New regulations, provisions and procedural safeguards in the context of Articles 5, 6...

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Azerbaijani banks and investment companies learn about money laundering and terrorism financing risks related to virtual assets

6-7 December 2021 Azerbaijan

In co-operation with the Financial Monitoring Service of Azerbaijan (FMS), the Council of Europe organised a two-day training course for 42 representatives of banks and investment companies, and FMS staff members, to introduce them to key concepts on virtual assets and virtual asset service...

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Training sessions organised to improve the efficiency and quality of courts

3 December 2021 Azerbaijan

Four online training sessions were held between 26 November and 3 December, with the aim to improve the efficiency and quality of courts based on the tools and guidelines developed by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). The trainings concerned the measurement of the...

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Taking stock of progress and results achieved in the last six-month period of our project

1 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

During the fourth Steering Group meeting, held online on 1 December, the project’s implementing partners took stock of the results and the progress achieved over the last six month and they approved the action plan for the next period. Particular focus has been put on key initiatives of the...

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Court Manager’s Forum in Georgia

27 November 2021 Georgia

Court managers from the country’s courts have attended the forum held on 26-27 November. Through this two-day forum, participants had the possibility to follow-up on developments related to the electronic case management rule of the Courts and the definition of the next steps towards its...

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Judges of Armenia enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal procedure legislation of Armenia

26 November 2021 Armenia

A two-day seminar on “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) of Armenia” was organised for judges of Armenia on 25-26 November in the Justice Academy, in Yerevan. Certain types of proceedings, evidence and proving as prescribed in the new CPC were presented to the judges and...

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Launch of the report “Systemic mapping of national responses to hate speech in Georgia”

23 November 2021 Georgia

What is the impact of hate speech on the society, what challenges it poses and how can they be effectively addressed? What means of redress, tools and actions are available to victims? What is the role played by different state and private actors in addressing hate speech? These are among the key...

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