Topic Quick Response Mechanism

139th Plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism

23 June 2024 Venice, Italy

At its 139th plenary session (held on 21-22 June 2024), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: Armenia Joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity on the draft law on national minorities. Republic of Moldova...

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137th Plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism

18 December 2023 Venice, Italy

At its 137th plenary session (held on 15-16 December 2023), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: Armenia Joint opinion of the Venice Commission and the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe on the Concept Paper...

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136th Plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism

11 October 2023 Venice, Italy

At its 136th plenary session (held on 6-7 October 2023), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: Armenia: the joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR on the draft amendments to the Electoral Code and related legislation Republic of Moldova: the...

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134th plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism adopted

10-11 March 2023 Venice

At its 134th plenary session (held on 10-11 March 2023), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: the interim opinion on the draft law on de-oligarchisation of Georgia, previously examined by the Sub-Commissions on Democratic Institutions, Fundamental Rights and the...

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133rd plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism adopted

17 December 2022 Venice

At its 133rd plenary session (held on 16-17 December 2022), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: the amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Armenia on certain questions related to the Law on Confiscation of Property of Illicit Origin; held an exchange...

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Republic of Moldova: banning the display of symbols used by Russia’s army in Ukraine is legitimate and proportional, says Venice Commission

24 October 2022 Strasbourg

In the context of the war, the ban on the display of certain symbols used by the Russian armed forces during its invasion of Ukraine adopted by the Moldovan Parliament in April 2022 respects the requirements of legality, legitimacy and proportionality, according to an opinion adopted by the...

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Georgia: Draft surveillance law adopted hastily, needs further elaboration, finds Venice Commission opinion

26 August 2022 Strasbourg

The draft law amending Georgia’s procedure for the use of covert investigative measures was adopted in a hasty procedure and requires both impact assessment and more detailed justification, according to an urgent opinion from the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission of legal and constitutional...

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Armenia: Joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe

21 March 2022 Strasbourg, France

The Venice Commission adopted a joint opinion on the draft laws on making amendments to the Constitutional Law on the Judicial Code and to the Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of Armenia, prepared together with the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the...

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Georgia: Joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR on the amendments to the Election Code of Georgia

30 April 2021 Strasbourg, France

The Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR issued their urgent joint opinion on the draft amendments to the Election Code of Georgia, following an urgent request for assistance by the then Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Mr Archil Talakvadze, addressed to the OSCE/ODIHR on 9 March 2021....

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Electoral legislation amendments in Armenia are welcomed, but further improvements needed

22 April 2021 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe’s body of constitutional legal experts, the Venice Commission, and the OSCE/ODIHR have published an urgent joint opinion today on amendments to the Electoral Code and related legislation of Armenia. Having examined the conformity of the procedure of their development, as...

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