Topic Judicial reforms

Court coaching programme in pilot courts in Georgia launched

23-25 May 2023 Georgia

The court coaching programme of European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), organised in the framework of the project “Support to the modernisation of court management in Georgia”, will begin with the experts visit from 23 to 25 May 2023 to two pilot courts: the Supreme Court of...

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Public discussions held under the framework of judicial reforms

18-28 April 2023 Armenia

Under the framework of ongoing judicial reforms, a series of public discussions related to the legislative amendments in respect to civil procedure, administrative procedure and criminal procedure legislations was organised by the joint EU/Council of Europe project “Support to the Justice Reform...

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Taking stock of cooperation with the Police in the Republic of Moldova in the field of anti-discrimination

3 April 2023 Chisinau

Throughout the last four years, the General Police Inspectorate of the Republic of Moldova has been close partner of the joint European Union and the Council of Europe (CoE) project “Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate crime...

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Regional Project on Lawyers Concludes with the final Technical Committee meeting in Strasbourg

27 February 2023 Strasbourg

The Joint European Union and the Council of Europe regional project on strengthening the profession of lawyer in line with European standards in the Eastern Partnership countries held its final event on 27 February 2023 both remotely and in person in Strasbourg, France. The event which gathered...

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Closing event of the CEPEJ cooperation project in Azerbaijan

21 February 2023 Baku

The closing event of the CEPEJ Project “Strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in Azerbaijan” implemented under the joint EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance II programme (PGGII) took place on 21 February 2023. On this occasion, the representatives of the Ministry of...

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Council of Europe concludes the four-year PGGII project on implementation of judicial reforms in Armenia

21 February 2023 Yerevan

The final conference organised in Yerevan on February 21, marked the official completion of the Project "Implementation of the Judicial reforms in Armenia", implemented by the Council of Europe within the joint European Union and Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance Programme...

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Trainings in Azerbaijan on court performance reporting according to CEPEJ tools and methodology

10 February 2023 Baku

On 8 and 10 February 2023, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) in cooperation with the Justice Academy of Azerbaijan organised two training sessions on court performance reporting according to its tools and methodology. The aim of the trainings was to develop a standard...

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Closing event of the CEPEJ project in Georgia

3 February 2023 Tbilisi

The closing event of the CEPEJ component of the project “Enhancing the accountability and the efficiency of the judicial system and the professionalism of lawyers” in Georgia implemented under the Partnership for Good Governance II (PGGII) was held on 3 February 2023. On this occasion the main...

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133rd plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism adopted

17 December 2022 Venice

At its 133rd plenary session (held on 16-17 December 2022), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: the amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Armenia on certain questions related to the Law on Confiscation of Property of Illicit Origin; held an exchange...

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Study visit of Azerbaijani Ministry of Justice to Portugal

16 December 2022 Portugal

On 14-16 December 2022 the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised in cooperation with the Portuguese Order of solicitors and enforcement agents a three-days study visit for members of the Directorate General of Enforcement of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan. The...

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Taking a Case to the European Court of Human Rights: Armenian version of the book will help the legal practitioners to make their voices heard in a well-substantiated manner

14 December 2022 Yerevan

Successful litigation at the European Court of Human Rights is not an easy task and requires from legal professionals some fundamental knowledge about the peculiarities of the application to the Court. Publication of the Armenian version of the book Taking a Case to the European Court of Human...

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Presentation of HELP platform on the occasion of National Day of Lawyers in Armenia

8 December 2022 Online

On 8 December 2022, to mark the National Lawyers’ Day celebrated on 6 December in Armenia, the regional project on "Strengthening the Profession of Lawyer in Line with European Standards", in cooperation with Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) programme and the Chamber of...

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The Council of Europe keeps on working with judges on better application of the European Convention on Human Rights standards while adjudication of criminal cases

29 November 2022 Tbilisi

In co-operation with the High School of Justice, the Council of Europe and the European Union organised another series of seminars to familiarise judges with the latest case-law of the Supreme Court of Georgia and the European Court of Human Rights related to domestic violence, admissibility of...

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Website of the Court of Cassation of Armenia launched and available online for public

28 November 2022 Yerevan

A website of the Armenian Court of Cassation was developed with the support of the Council of Europe and is available online since November 2022. The Council of Europe has been working closely with the Armenian judiciary to facilitate the effective implementation of European human rights...

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Lawyers and judges discussed the ways to improve their professional interaction

25 November 2022 Online

On 25 November an online event - joint meeting of judges and lawyers was organised to discuss the implementation of Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) Opinion no. 16 of 2013 on the relations between judges and lawyers. The event gathered participants from Armenia, Georgia, the...

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CEPEJ mission to the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan to assess the case management, processing of cases and e-filing

25 November 2022 Baku

From 23 to 25 November, the European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) conducted an experts’ mission in Baku with the aim to assess the work efficiency of the Supreme Court. A report with recommendations on the improvement of the case management, processing of cases and e-filing...

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EU and Council of Europe supported conference in Tbilisi to discuss areas for further improvement and ongoing reform of the criminal justice legal framework in Georgia

24 November 2022 Tbilisi

Protection of victims’ and other vulnerable persons’ rights, the system of pre-trial measures and conduct of investigative actions are the areas which should be paid special attention to during the ongoing criminal justice reform in Georgia, underlined participants of the high-level conference...

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Discussion on the Opinion No. 24 (2021) of the CCJE on the evolution of the Councils for the Judiciary and their role in independent and impartial judicial systems

27 October 2022 Yerevan

To highlight the competence, tasks, organisation and composition as well as resources at the disposal of the Councils for the Judiciary the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) adopted landmark Opinion No. 24 in 2021. The Opinion discusses the legitimacy and accountability of the...

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Study visit of Georgian courts to The Netherlands

25-27 October 2022 The Netherlands

On 25-27 October 2022, the Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) organised a three-days study visit of Georgian court managers from the Supreme Court of Georgia, Zugdidi and Rustavi Regional Courts and Tbilisi Court to the courts of Amsterdam, The Hague and...

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CEPEJ visited Baku with the aim to analyse the provision of mediation services in Azberbaijan

17-19 October 2022 Baku

From 17 to 19 October 2022, the European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) conducted a fact-finding mission in Baku with the aim to analyse the current situation and discuss how to provide support for improving mediation based on CEPEJ Guidelines and various tools dealing with...

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