Topic Anti-corruption

Ukrainian prosecutors refine their knowledge and skills on effective investigation and prosecution of money laundering offences

25-27 April 2021 Ukraine

A three-day online training course on “Effective investigation and prosecution of money laundering” was organised together with the Training Centre of Prosecutors of Ukraine. The Prosecutor General’s Office as well as regional and district public prosecution offices benefited from the training,...

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Ukrainian judges are trained to train their peers on money laundering

29-30 March 2021 Ukraine

As a part of a long-standing cooperation with the National School of Judges of Ukraine aimed at strengthening judicial capacities related to money laundering, training of trainers was conducted for Ukrainian judges through Council of Europe support on 29-30 March 2021. Following up on the...

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National Proliferation Financing Indicators for Ukraine

19 March 2021 Ukraine

On 19 March 2021 the technical paper on “Proliferation Financing Threats in Ukraine” was presented to Ukrainian stakeholders in an online event. The document is the result of several months of joint work with a wide range of concerned national authorities including policymakers, law enforcement,...

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