Raising awareness of young people in relation to discrimination and hate speech in the Republic of Moldova

26 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

The "MilleniuM" Training and Development Institute is implementing until July 2021 a national project in the Republic of Moldova raising awareness of young people in relation to discrimination and hate speech, with the support of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership...

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Steering Group meeting of the European Union / Council of Europe joint Project in the Republic of Moldova

25 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

On 25 February 2021 the third meeting of the Steering Group for the project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova” was held. The event was attended by partners of the project and by a representative of the Delegation of the...

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Seminar on optimal resource distribution in courts

25 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

A seminar on the use of CEPEJ tools to optimise the distribution of resources in courts has been organised in a videoconference format. European experts familiarised the participants with methods on applying Key Performance Indicators and statistical data to strengthen court management in...

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Protecting LGBT people against hate crimes in Ukraine

25 February 2021 Ukraine

The LGBT Human Rights NGO Nash Mir in Ukraine is implementing until July 2021 a national project aiming at protecting LGBT people against hate crimes in Ukraine, with the support of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, and its regional project...

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Supporting Roma communities to fight human rights violations in Ukraine

24 February 2021 Ukraine

The Lacho Drome Roma Center in Ukraine is implementing until July 2021 a local project aiming at supporting Roma communities to fight human rights violations in Ukraine, with the support of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, and its regional...

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Training Programme for Judges and Assistants of Judges on Legal drafting of the Judicial Decisions

23-24 February 2021 Armenia

Legal drafting of judicial decisions was the key topic of a two-day training organised on 23-24 February 2021, in the framework of the project “Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia”. Seventeen national judges and assistants of...

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Empowering the transgender community to facilitate their access to justice in Armenia

23 February 2021 Armenia

The RighT Side Human Rights Defender NGO in Armenia is implementing until July 2021 a national project aims at empowering the transgender community to facilitate their access to justice in Armenia, with the support of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good...

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Verena Taylor, Director of the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes (ODGP), speaks about PGG II

Verena Taylor, Director of the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes (ODGP), speaks about the Partnership for Good Governance II 2019-2022 (the PGG).

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Combating discrimination on the grounds of disability in Armenia

22 February 2021 Armenia

UNISON NGO Armenia is implementing a national project on combating discrimination affecting disabled persons in Armenia, under all its forms, with the support of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, and its regional project “Strengthening access to...

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A strategic approach for the monitoring function of the Moldovan Equality Council

19 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

In an online meeting, independent equality and human rights expert Niall Crowley presented the results of a remote assessment of the Monitoring Strategy of the Moldovan Equality Council for 2021-2023. "This (monitoring strategy, n.r.) represents a significant step in strengthening the planned and...

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Building capacities on judicial communication in the Republic of Moldova

19 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised an online training session on court communication for more than 40 justice professionals, including judges, court presidents, as well as representatives of the Superior Council of Magistrates and the Ministry of Justice. The...

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Networking and knowledge depository platform for lawyers from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine now available

17 February 2021 Online

A new platform for networking, exchanging information and best practices, accessing key documents, including pieces of legislation and research is now accessible to lawyers, bar associations and legal professional in the Eastern Partnership countries. The platform was presented at the second...

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Police officers from the Republic of Moldova will improve their professional abilities in enforcing the legislation and tackling hate crimes and hate speech

15 February 2021 The Republic of Moldova

The regional project funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe “Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in the Eastern Partnership”, started the first cycle of training for trainers from the General Police Inspectorate on the themes...

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The Council of Europe and the European Union Delegation present the state of implementation of the joint projects in Armenia in 2020 and the PGG activities planned for 2021

8 February 2021 Online

The European Union and Council of Europe joint programme on Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) 2019-2021 held its second Steering Committee meeting for Armenia on Monday 8 February 2021 in an online format. The aim of the meeting was to present the state of implementation and the results of...

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Towards the adoption of a Code of Conduct for deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

6-7 February 2021 Armenia

The Project on “Strengthening institutional capacities to fight and prevent corruption in Armenia” continues to support the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia in developing a Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament. This assistance addresses both national priorities in the Republic of...

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The Council of Europe and the European Union share the proposals for future co-operation priorities in the six Eastern Partnership countries submitted through the Suggestion Box

5 February 2021 Online

The online event “Improving the lives of citizens through better governance” of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme on Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) 2019-2021, held on 5-7 October 2020, allowed speakers and participants to exchange about priorities in the region under...

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Towards an improved framework for transparency of beneficial ownership in Azerbaijan

3 February 2021 Azerbaijan

The Partnership for Good Governance II (2019-2021) project against money laundering and terrorism financing in Azerbaijan continues to support the national authorities in their efforts to align the national legislation with international standards and best practices geared to anti-money...

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Awareness raising activities in Armenia on hate speech

1 February 2021 Armenia

A series of online educational activities “Combating hate speech through human rights education” will take place from February to May 2021, online, for beneficiaries in Armenia. This includes a five-day online training course for teachers of social science and youth workers of human rights...

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The Council of Europe and the European Union Delegation present the state of implementation of the joint projects in Azerbaijan in 2020 and the PGG activities planned for 2021

1 February 2021 Online

The European Union and Council of Europe joint programme on Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) 2019-2021 held the second Steering Committee meeting for Azerbaijan on Monday 1 February 2021 in online format. The aim of the meeting was to present the state of implementation and the results of...

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Strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of the recommendations issued by the Moldovan Equality Council


A report commissioned by the Council of Europe to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of recommendations made by the Equality Council in the Republic of Moldova concerning discrimination cases, is now published online. Niall Crowley, international consultant, presented the report proposing...

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