International seminar “Combating sexist advertising: learning from practice”

28-29 October 2021 Online

The seminar “Combating sexist advertising: learning from practice” was organised on 28-29 October, aiming to provide a platform for discussion on combating sexist advertising and the role of equality bodies in this field, for participants from the member states of the Council of Europe. This...

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Online Presentation of the Report on ''Gender Impact Assessment: the Judicial Code of Armenia and its Derivative Legal Acts”

29 october 2021 armenia

On 29 October 2021 the online presentation of the report on ''Gender Impact Assessment: the Judicial Code of Armenia and its Derivative Legal Acts” took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in...

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Trainee judges in Azerbaijan learn about money laundering and terrorism financing adjudication

26-27 October 2021 Azerbaijan

In support to the ongoing training programme for judge candidates of the Academy of Justice of Azerbaijan, the Council of Europe organised a two-day course for trainee judges to provide them with important insights on money laundering and other financial crime concepts, as well as good practices...

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The Ukrainian banking sector reinforces its skills in preventing money laundering and terrorism financing

26 October 2021 Ukraine

In cooperation with the National Bank of Ukraine, the Council of Europe organised five weekly sessions served to enhance the skills of the banking professionals in applying Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing (AML/CTF) measures. Organised in an interactive way, training sessions...

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Clerks from Moldovan courts consolidate their knowledge on combating discrimination

26 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

Clerks from Moldovan courts participated in an online training course on how to deal with cases of discrimination, through the perspective of the European Convention for Human Rights and the national legislation. The training was focused on the prohibition of discrimination under the European...

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Police officers and prosecutors trained to raise awareness on hate crime in their institutions in Ukraine

23 October 2021 Ukraine

On 21 – 23 October 2021, the last seminar of a long-term training for multipliers from the National Police and the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine on combating hate crime was organised by the European Union-Council of Europe’s project “Strengthening access to justice for victims of...

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Round table discussion on the challenges related to the practical application of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia

20 October 2021 Armenia

On 19 October 2021 the round table discussion on the challenges related to the practical application of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia,''...

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Web article on problems encountered due to intolerance based on religion

15 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech and discrimination against religious minorities in the Republic of Moldova is based on a real life story of a young woman who faced public criticism because of her religion. Her challenging path and the story of successful engagement in community...

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Trainers of the Justice Academy, School of Advocates and Educational Complex of the Police enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal legislation of Armenia

8-10 October 2021 Armenia

First three-day training of trainers (ToT) on “Selected issues of new Criminal Code of Armenia” was organised for trainers on 1-3 October and second three-day ToT on “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code of Armenia” was organised for another group of trainers on 8-10 October in...

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Ukrainian judges trained to adjudicate terrorist financing

5 October 2021 Online

In continuation of previous capacity building efforts and series of training activities for Ukrainian judges in the field of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, the Council of Europe in cooperation with the National School of Judges of Ukraine organised specialised...

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Georgian Anti-corruption Agency staff trained to train public servants on corruption prevention

4-5 October 2021 Georgia

The Council of Europe in cooperation with the State Security Service of Georgia organised a training of trainers on “Corruption Prevention in the Public Sector”, for the staff of the Anti-Corruption Agency within the State Security Service. The trainers trained in this occasion will, in turn,...

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Protect your rights, honor and dignity

This video was developed by the LGBT Human Rights Nash Mir Centre from Ukraine as part of an awareness raising campaign on the rights of LGBTI people in alleged cases of hate crimes. From 1 February to 31 July 2021, the LGBT Human Rights Nash Mir Centre from Ukraine carried out the project...

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Creation of a new IT tool for publishing judicial statistics in the Republic of Moldova

1 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

A national Internet-based tool, JUSTAT, aimed at publishing data about the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova, such as statistics, key indicators and other information on the performance of the court system, has just been published for supporting the national authorities to further...

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Gender mainstreaming, progressing towards the Partnership for Good Governance II goals

30 September 2021 Strasbourg

Gender equality is an important goal for the Council of Europe and an indispensable part of human rights. It is also an essential element in the functioning of democracy and the rule of law. To further gender equality, the Council of Europe and the Partnership for Good Governance II (PGG)...

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Manual on financial investigations to guide law enforcement professionals in Ukraine

30 September 2021 Ukraine

The Council of Europe organised the launching and presentation event of the Manual on financial investigations for Ukraine. The Manual is the achievement of more than two years of joint efforts by law enforcement agencies, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the asset recovery and management...

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European Court of Human Rights factsheets on violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality now available in Azerbaijani

24 September Azerbaijan

The latest versions of the European Court of Human Rights factsheets on violence against women, domestic violence, and gender equality have been translated in Azerbaijani. These factsheets will be distributed to the Academy of Justice of Azerbaijan, partner of the project, and the Bar Association...

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Consultation meetings to define national-level indicators able to demonstrate the effect of judicial reforms in Azerbaijan

23 September 2021 Azerbaijan

From 27 to 30 September 2021, the Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) will organise four half-day online consultations from CEPEJ experts with representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court, Judicial Legal Council and Justice Academy of...

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Discussion of the Draft Law on Mediation

22 September 2021 Armenia

On 17 September 2021 the discussion of the draft law on mediation took place in the framework of the project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia." One of the Project’s components is focused on the improvement of the...

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Taking stock of raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan

20 September Azerbaijan

At the Board meeting of the project “Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan”, which took place in a digital format, the project management informed Board members and observers about the progress of the project, the results achieved to date...

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Supporting equality bodies from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions to address hate speech

13 September 2021 Online

The European Union and the Council of Europe, through their partnership continue their work to reinforce the capacities of equality bodies from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions to address hate speech. On 13 September, a new e-learning tool was launched and a pilot group of...

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