13 judges and prosecutors from the implementing countries, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania, attended the training, which was organised in co-operation with the Human rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme from the Council of Europe.
The seminar aims were the following:
- To build the capacity of the judges from the aforementioned countries in the area of discrimination on the ground of ethnic origin, in particular of discrimination against Roma people;
- to enhance the capacities of judges as trainers for other members of the judiciary;
- to offer the opportunity to the judges attending the Training for Trainers to engage in a bilateral exchange with judges of the European Court of Human Rights on the topic of discrimination against Roma;
- to offer a platform to discuss the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the topic of discrimination against Roma.
The training included sessions with the president of the European Court of Human Rights, and a seminar on non-discrimination and Roma case-law with the judges from the ECtHR from the respective countries.
Here is an interview with Mr Guido Raimondi, the president of the ECtHR, on the role of the Court, as a preview on the seminar.